Pegging decisions are made following discards and after the shared cut card is revealed. The player has their 4 cards to be played alternately, with the pone leading in the first instance.
The full game state is more complicated to capture when compared to discarding. Players will already know the value of their hands before pegging begins, and thus may adjust their strategy in response to this information even though the points are yet to be awarded (this can be very relevant at the end game if the score is close). Additionally, information about the opponent's hand is revealed as play proceeds and cards are revealed. The full set of information available when pegging is the following:
Cards previously played in the current pegging round
Cards available to be played
Unplayed cards that cannot be played due to current count
Whether or not opponent has any remaining cards that can be played (i.e. said "go" previously)
Cards previously played
Opponent cards previously played
Cards previously thrown to crib (both in terms of future points expected, and the inability of said cards to be played by the opponent)
Player's score
Opponent's score
Current dealer
Players may try to hide information about their hand by leading an outlier card (i.e. if my hand is 2-6-6-9, lead the 2; if my hand is A-5-10-10 then lead the A).
Pegging decisions are made following discards and after the shared cut card is revealed. The player has their 4 cards to be played alternately, with the pone leading in the first instance.
The full game state is more complicated to capture when compared to discarding. Players will already know the value of their hands before pegging begins, and thus may adjust their strategy in response to this information even though the points are yet to be awarded (this can be very relevant at the end game if the score is close). Additionally, information about the opponent's hand is revealed as play proceeds and cards are revealed. The full set of information available when pegging is the following:
Players may try to hide information about their hand by leading an outlier card (i.e. if my hand is 2-6-6-9, lead the 2; if my hand is A-5-10-10 then lead the A).