alan-turing-institute / research-application-management
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Create list of conferences and events that can be of interest to RAMs #43

Open f-rower opened 9 months ago

f-rower commented 9 months ago


What needs to be done?

Who can help?


kallewesterling commented 9 months ago

Might be good to make sure there's cadence here. How do we keep it up to date? Revisit it every month or so, during our meetings? Making sure that it's updated beforehand?

dingaaling commented 9 months ago

Agree that it would be helpful to think of the process of updating this list and who is going to what and when, as well as creating a static list.

As highlighted by the challenge of us copy/pasting the Slack list Simon created for the September events to multiple docs for meetings/to take notes 😅