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Develop RAM 1-pager #47

Closed dingaaling closed 9 months ago

dingaaling commented 9 months ago

RAM 1-pager can stand alone as a PDF for sharing and is also content for the RAM webpage

dingaaling commented 9 months ago

Also will ask web folks to add the following research areas:

dingaaling commented 9 months ago

Ideas for edits:

  1. Better description of problem
  2. “Making research ready for the real world”: nice contender for one-liner
  3. How do we split up the doc?
    • Intro section: Kalle & Sophie
    • Skills section: Hari & Fran
  4. Instead of listing skills, providing some description (similar to impact section)
  5. End-to-end engagement with collaborators = holistic concept of what a RAM does.

Future ideas:

aranas commented 9 months ago

Hi, Kalle and I have reworked the intro to be more concise and more direct. as discussed we included:

We wanted the text to be less vague and really directly address the reader. Although we realized that now, the question is, who is the audience for this 1 pager? The invitation for collaboration now is very prominent but should really only be directed to Turing researchers. So do we really want this here on the public facing 1 pager?

We have also taken out a lot of text from the intro that was really addressing more the "What" of a RAM, we find these should be detailed in the skills section, specifically:

aranas commented 9 months ago

I also think we should revisit the question of who is the audience for this 1pager, if it is the researchers, then the call for collaboration should be prominent and the skills should follow the intro. If it is other external people, who we want to be aware of our work without necessarily working with us, then I think the examples should be the first thing to follow. @kallewesterling also made the suggestion to having 2 versions of this document, one targeting researchers and maybe putting this on mathison, the other being more external facing for the website.

harisood commented 9 months ago

@aranas @kallewesterling your edit is v cool! Incoming skills update