alan-turing-institute / research-application-management
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csv to slides #56

Open aranas opened 8 months ago

aranas commented 8 months ago

For #49 I have now set-up a demo version of how a shared knowledge base could feed into outward facing slides. The idea is that we collect our outputs and associated links/media in a shared list and always have a slide deck at hand with recent output. Depending on use we could host them on github pages, or convert to pdf or whatever is needed.

set-up: 1) data

Note: Right now in order to view the rendered slides you need to run:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
aranas commented 8 months ago

I tried some elements of reveal.js that I always thought look fancy on slides like embedding a webpage directly into your slides, it works better when embedded as a background to the slide compared to a standalone element for whatever reason I couldn't size up the height of the embedded frame