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Update Stakeholder workshop materials & add CSIRO workshop materials / reflections #76

Open aranas opened 2 months ago

aranas commented 2 months ago

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Based on our recent work on a stakeholder workshop in collaboration with CSIRO and including global stakeholders, we will update our stakeholder workshop materials:

dingaaling commented 2 months ago

First draft of a Pre-workshop stakeholder engagement chapter. Would be great to get your thoughts @aranas!

dingaaling commented 2 months ago

Suggeeed blurb for beginning of checklist doc:

This checklist is meant to support the design and delivery of stakeholder workshops. As a RAM, you will likely be working with other teams on the workshop, who may have other objectives. This checklist shouldn't be seen as a comprehensive list of all possible tasks or all mandatory tasks. It is meant to support the planning and task distribution amongst members of the workshop organising team.

aranas commented 2 months ago

First draft of a Pre-workshop stakeholder engagement chapter. Would be great to get your thoughts @aranas!

looks great! I added to the final section

aranas commented 2 months ago

I have adjusted the checklist. @dingaaling let me know how that works for you, I only updated the pre-workshop section

dingaaling commented 2 weeks ago

@aranas sorry for not coming back to this!

Do you think the work we did in February here is ready to be added to the stakeholder workshops folder?

aranas commented 2 weeks ago

yep, can be merged!