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Capture best practices for working with local government stakeholders #87

Open dingaaling opened 1 month ago

dingaaling commented 1 month ago


I'm more curious to hear about your experience, what aspects of a turing project, local government is interested in: Are they usually interested in adopting & using tools developed or more on reports & information that comes out of project. Are there any typical concerns, priorities/pain points that come up with this group of stakeholders. Or have you in the past encountered any barriers, eg about framing of content that didn't work so well with them, that I could try to avoid. I'm more curious to hear about your experience, what aspects of a turing project, local government is interested in: Are they usually interested in adopting & using tools developed or more on reports & information that comes out of project. Are there any typical concerns, priorities/pain points that come up with this group of stakeholders. Or have you in the past encountered any barriers, eg about framing of content that didn't work so well with them, that I could try to avoid.

What needs to be done?

Who can help?


dingaaling commented 1 month ago

@aranas here is an initial document as a starting point but I anticipate it won't fully answer your questions. Would be great to know what gaps still exist

aranas commented 1 month ago

thank you for creating this issue and this document, that's a great start! I'd be interested in expanding on the Community Meetings, e.g.:

Looking forward to expanding on this! Happy to also complement the doc myself based on the experience at the LOTI event.