[x] OSM csv: "Changed scientific notation numbers to decimals" - how? In
which columns was this needed? I'm not sure.
[x] OSM csv: Steps 2,3,4 (manual edits to typos in the OSM CSV) - all these
errors are now fixed in the OSM data upstream. Shall we remove the
steps, or perhaps leave them in the README specifically as
"illustrations of manual edits that might be needed to fix typos in the
uncontrolled OSM source data"?
[x] FiT - need to specify in the main readme that there are 3 XLS files to
download, and that it's OK to use whichever is the latest FiT report
(also would be good to specify which month's FiT report was used during
our project). The FiT hyperlink takes us to a list of many different
[x] FiT - I notice that in the "data/README" it says "Make sure to filter on
Technology=Photovoltaic" - does the user need to do this, or do your
scripts already do it? (Do we expect the user to read "data/README" as
well as the main one?)