We have run the microsimulation for Wales and is stored in this container scp-2022-12-08-13-04-44. It was run with the code on commit. 203f3b874431960300456c0e9b674b7cf04e495b.
Some LADs need to be re-run after fixing but #19, but the rest should be ready and can be downloaded (dont delete the container until is downloaded).
We have run the microsimulation for Wales and is stored in this container scp-2022-12-08-13-04-44. It was run with the code on commit. 203f3b874431960300456c0e9b674b7cf04e495b.
Some LADs need to be re-run after fixing but #19, but the rest should be ready and can be downloaded (dont delete the container until is downloaded).
LADs to re-run: