get_all_users only retrieves the first 100 people who can be assigned to the hut23 repository. Although this was 'good enough' for a while, this is apparently no longer OK because the list cuts off after @triangle-man, meaning that (for example) my username @yongrenjie isn't fetched (perks of having a surname starting with Y) and thus whatwhat has started thinking that May and I are the same person. 😄
get_all_users only retrieves the first 100 people who can be assigned to the hut23 repository. Although this was 'good enough' for a while, this is apparently no longer OK because the list cuts off after @triangle-man, meaning that (for example) my username @yongrenjie isn't fetched (perks of having a surname starting with Y) and thus whatwhat has started thinking that May and I are the same person. 😄