Open MathisBarre opened 2 years ago
I really would like that too. I'm now having a really hard time trying to adapt those type declarations to React Query V4 =/
+1 Also would be great if I could set onError(error: AxiosError) for QueryConfig. Only onError(error: any) works
For anyone who would like to know, I was able to adapt the MutationConfig type to work with React Query v4. It is like this now:
import { AxiosError } from 'axios';
import { QueryClient, UseQueryOptions, UseMutationOptions, DefaultOptions } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { AsyncReturnType } from 'type-fest';
type Fn = (...args: any) => any;
export type MutationConfig<MutationFnType extends Fn> = UseMutationOptions<
Hi @diegods-ferreira Please where does MutationFnType
come from?
Hi @diegods-ferreira Please where does
come from?
that's a generic
Hi @diegods-ferreira Please where does
come from?that's a generic
That's right
Thanks @alvinvin00 @diegods-ferreira
For those struggling like me. Leaving here another variation of MutationConfig
compatible with react-query 4+, typescript 5.1+ and no-args mutation functions support.
type Fn = (...args: any[]) => any;
type GetTVariables<T> = T extends (...args: infer R) => any ? (R extends [infer TVar, ...any] ? TVar : void) : never;
export type MutationConfig<MutationFnType extends Fn> = UseMutationOptions<
Hi @diegods-ferreira Please where does
come from?that's a generic
What do you mean by generic?
Hi @diegods-ferreira Please where does
come from?that's a generic
What do you mean by generic?
A generic is a special notation in typescript that allows you to use a variety of types within the same definition. Think of it as parameters for functions, but instead of passing values, we are a passing a type itself. In the example, the code inside the <> called MutationFnType
(which could be any name you want, much like a parameter for functions) is a generic. After that he can use that MutationFnType
inside of the type definition, given that we know that MutationFnType is a function (MutationFnType extends Fn
is called a type variable, because it is capturing and storing a type that will be used later, as we wish.
Documentation for Generics in Typescritpt:
As you can see here, this project use additional types for react query.
I honestly find it hard to understand what they are doing.
It would be great if someone could add some explanations