alanbjohnston / CubeSatSim

CubeSatSim, the AMSAT CubeSat Simulator
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Trigger "failures" remotely #233

Open MikeMcPherson opened 2 years ago

MikeMcPherson commented 2 years ago

We're interested in adding the ability to more easily simulate failures for teaching fault analysis and mitigation. Right now, we can fail things like solar panels, but that requires some degree of disassembly and reassembly. Other failures are much harder to do.

I imagine a software interface - possibly command line, but preferably GUI - that would allow an instructor to command a wide range of failures on a live CubeSatSim. I imagine this being implemented in two phases.

Phase 1 - all software

Lots of interesting failure modes can be simulated in software by just substituting synthetic values in place of real values in telemetry packets.

Phase 2 - software/hardware hybrid

Some failures, such as partial or gradual sensor or solar panel failures, might best be handled by an add-on PCB with a variety of switches and filters. I'm much fuzzier on the requirements for this phase.

I haven't done anything but brainstorm this so far, but I'll probably have a go at it when time allows. Like the issue I submitted a few minutes ago, I'm not asking anyone else to do this.


alanbjohnston commented 1 year ago

Hi Mike,

Being able to show and diagnose failures is a great application of the CubeSatSim.

Doing this in software is a great idea - more flexible and easier than hardware.

I'd suggest starting a thread in the Discussions tab

This way we can get ideas and input from others who have built CubeSatSims. There is also a group who is developing lesson plans and experiments using the CubeSatSim, so I'm sure they will have some suggestions on this.

Thanks again for your work on the project!


MikeMcPherson commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll start a discussion thread.
