alandefreitas / citation_graph

Plots a graph with the relationship between bibtex citations
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What is the name of the paper with number X #8

Open rgaiacs opened 4 years ago

rgaiacs commented 4 years ago

The example provided creates


Is impossible to say what is the paper that is number X in the network.

alandefreitas commented 4 years ago

When there are more than 10 nodes if G.number_of_nodes() < 10: (line 98), we replace node names with their numbers G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping) (line 106).

In fact, this is a problem because bibtex.bib does not map citations to numbers. The reason we used numbers here is that citation names wouldn't fit in the plot, which is another problem.

The only solution that would solve both problems at once, and even create a more useful plot, is to have interactive graphs.

There are lots of references dealing with this:

Some references still use matplotlib's interactive mode with mouse events and some references use plotly. It seems like keeping matplotlib would be an easier solution. It wouldn't be hard to implement both anyway.

alandefreitas commented 4 years ago

In fact, it would probably be more representative to get back to using the function extract_author_string with the paper year or some title summary instead of using a number or the paper entry id in the plot.