alangecker / bigbluebutton-docker

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GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Hacktoberfest #61

Closed weeman1337 closed 3 years ago

weeman1337 commented 3 years ago

Hey @alangecker ,

during this year's Hacktoberfest we gathered a handful of people who want to help improving the BBB container setup.

If you could provide us more issues here about work you think that should be done that would help.

Best regards

alangecker commented 3 years ago

hey @weeman1337 nice to hear, that you want to work on this project! :)

currently I see following smaller or bigger open tasks:

more stability

A vision of this project is, that checking out a specific commit leads to the exact same version of BBB.

The official ubuntu/debian repository doesn't provide any older versions. In the core part we still use packages directly from these repos which leads regullary to following situation:

There was an BBB update released, immediately building the bbb-docker core image uses these new packages, but some changes to configuration files in the bbb-docker project are required but still missing -> bbb-docker is in a broken state for days until the repo gets updated.

The resulting task to tackle this problem would be:

better usability

there where discussions regarding the way docker-compose is used. #42 #47 recently I tried to create a proposal how a new 'tooling' could look alike: maybe there is someone how can think that further or even implement it? :)

better 'debugability'

almost every problem with BBB leads to the same error in Greenlight: #35 Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret

this is not very helpful, so I thought utilizing docker healthchecks (#37) could help people with troubleshooting issues.


... if you need anything, I'm always happy to answer questions :)

alangecker commented 3 years ago

now that october has passed, I assume that I probably can close the issue? :D