alangrainger / obsidian-air-quotes

Plugin for Obsidian. Search and insert quotes from a source text as you type. This is great for reading a physical book or eReader while taking notes on a separate laptop or phone.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Idea] Modifying Callout Formatting #3

Open julroger2013 opened 8 months ago

julroger2013 commented 8 months ago

Hi - Love the plugin! I'm using it every day to take notes on books I've been meaning to summarize for some personal projects.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to modify how the air quote is integrated into a callout.

I tend to take notes in bullet form, with my takeaway as the main bullet, and the quote as a nested callout as support for my summation.

Unfortunately, callout don't render properly in bullet points unless the contents of the callout are the product of a soft line break (shift + enter, essentially), rather than a hard break.

Is there any chance you could tweak how a quote is incorporate into a callout so that all the contents of the callout use a soft, rather than hard, line break? It would make it easier to insert callout quotes into bullet point lists.

Of course, understand this might be a programming hassle, or otherwise undesirable. Just figured it couldn't hurt to ask.


alangrainger commented 8 months ago

I think I understand what you mean - can you tell me if this is correct:

What you are wanting is a second option in the Settings page which lets you choose the prefix for each line of your callout.

So in your case, since you have nested callouts, you'd want to make the settings like this:

julroger2013 commented 8 months ago

Not quite, although that's close to what I'm thinking!

My notes tend to take the form of:

Actually, as I tinker with this, I guess that the soft line break isn't important - it's just the easiest way to get the formatting right when I create a callout manually.

It appears that all that matters is that the contents of the callout be indented to the same degree as the - > [!quote]- portion that initiates the callout. Does that make sense? If the contents of the callout aren't indented just like the callout's header, they render as block quotes, rather than as part of the callout.

It may just be an issue of creating an option where the callout contents are indented by four spaces when inserted, since putting the callout's header on a bullet-point line causes it to be indented, too.