alangrainger / obsidian-image-captions

Add captions to images with inline Markdown and link support. The caption format is compatible with the CommonMark spec and other Markdown applications.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incompatibility with ITS Image Adjustments snippet #24

Closed FellowEsin closed 1 month ago

FellowEsin commented 5 months ago


I'd like to use this plugin with the ITS image adjustment snippet, but there are some issues. The thing is, when I set the image parameters like this (caption + adjustment), for example image

It does align the image, and shows the caption, but like this.


I want to display "Amogus" only, not "Amogus | right".

Any solutions or suggestions? Thank you.

FellowEsin commented 5 months ago

Addendum: Apparently, someone has suggested before that a caption perimeter was added to avoid conflicts with this very snippet. I guess this could be a solution?

FellowEsin commented 5 months ago

Addendum No. 2: Oddly, the center alignment doesn't work when this plugin is enabled. But when I disable the plugin, it works. So there's this incompatibility as well.

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

That's really an issue with that theme. In the Commonmark spec, the image description is the part of markdown between the square brackets on an image link.

![Image description](file.jpg)

So that theme putting image location commands in that place doesn't seem like a great idea.

However I can see that there is the probability of this theme and other themes/plugins in the future adding all sorts of data into that same image description field.

What I'll do is add a setting where you can add a custom regex to filter the final caption. That should cover all possible use cases into the future, regardless of what plugins or image caption formats people are using.

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Looking forward for it! Also I'd really like a manual on how to use the custom regex once the feature comes out. Thank you!

TDSrock commented 1 month ago

Oh awesome! I completly forgot about this until I got the emails for activity on my original issue. Looming forward to the release!

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

@TDSrock @FellowEsin This has been added in 1.1.2

I have added a setting where you can add a custom regex to determine exactly what to parse for the caption, depending on your own preference and vault setup.

In the case of using ITS, the regex should be:

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

YEAAAAH LET'S GOOO! Though how do we use the regex? Can I have an example?

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

I literally put the exact example you need in my comment above :grimacing:

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

So it's just surrounding the |? I see. Sorry.

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

Just copy and paste exactly this into the settings box, and the caption will ignore anything following a pipe | character (which is what ITS uses):

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Stupid question but, which settings box exactly?

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

Did you update the plugin?

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Yes I have! You were talking about the plugin configs! Sorry. resim

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Thank you soooo much!

resim resim

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

No problem, glad it's all working! :)

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Sorry to say this, but there is some sort of new problem: It causes problems with links.

resim resim

And when you want to actually use | in your caption, it's another problem. resim resim

Is there a workaround to this or anything?

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

Firstly, that would never work. You can't specify a link like that as the first set of ]] would close the outer link.

You need to follow the documentation and use << >> for wikilinks:

To use Wikilinks, you'll need to swap your square brackets [[]] for angle brackets <<>>:

![[image.jpg|This is a caption with <<a Wikilink>>]]

Secondly, the reason for using the regex is so that you can customise it for your exact use case, since I couldn't possibly cover all plugins/themes/usecases myself.

Just change the regex to allow an escaped pipe:


For any other cases you come across, please research on Google how to write the correct regex expression. You don't need to post any other questions here - you can customise the regex yourself to handle any custom cases in your own unique vault setup.

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

So cool! Thank you so much!

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

@FellowEsin Please update to 1.1.3 - I had forgotten to include the theme's CSS file in the 1.1.2 release :grimacing:

FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

What do you mean by the theme's CSS file?

alangrainger commented 1 month ago

This file. Just update to 1.1.3 and it will be fixed.


FellowEsin commented 1 month ago

Ohhh okay! Updated! Thanks a lot!

FellowEsin commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, I'm wondering, how can I align the image and not set a caption?