alanjhughes / expo-google-places-autocomplete

MIT License
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The place is not showing in input when user select any place from the google places autocomplete in Expo #10

Open ShayanJamil519 opened 3 months ago

ShayanJamil519 commented 3 months ago

import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from "react-native"; import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from "react-native-google-places-autocomplete";

const InputAutoComplete = ({ placeholder, onPlaceSelected, styling }) => { return ( <>

{ console.log("Autocomplete onPress triggered", details); onPlaceSelected(details); }} onFail={(error) => console.log(error)} onNotFound={() => console.log("no results")} query={{ key: "api-key", language: "pt-BR", }} />

); };

export default InputAutoComplete;