alanli011 / CookCampBackEnd

A project management tool for cooking
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Project Feedback #1

Open bartdorsey opened 4 years ago

bartdorsey commented 4 years ago

This looks really good. I only have a few concerns with your feature list.

You have two types of cards, plus the calendar view. That's a lot to bite off for a week. I would probably try to at least move the calendar view off until a phase 2 or bonus feature. Your card view should probably be your main interface. That being said, it would be useful to at least see a rough sketch or a description about what the card interface will look like.

I like the idea of using for messaging and also for notifications. But it's good to have those in the bonus section and they aren't necessary to have a functional app. You can always add these things later during our last two weeks of class if you want to (that's when we are polishing our portfolios).

On your backend routes, I feel like you need routes for manipulating comments on message boards, and also routes for marking todos as completed etc. it feels like you only have "Create" and "Read" of the CRUD operations for your entities. You should be able to edit those things and possibly delete them. (if you let users delete them)

Your frontend routes look pretty good to me. You will probably find other components along the way as you develop the app but you can add those as you find them, these seem like the major ones.

alanli011 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, Bart!

I thought the calendar was going to be a bit much as well for this week. I'll move it to phase 2.

I will also create more routes in the backend to edit and delete. I agree with you on this.