alann-maulana / flutter_beacon

An hybrid iBeacon scanner and transmitter SDK for Flutter Android and iOS.
Apache License 2.0
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how to stop beacon from ranging if already found #107

Open eggysudianto opened 3 years ago

eggysudianto commented 3 years ago

how to stop beacon from ranging if already found which beacon I want

this my code. _streamRanging.cancel(); is never called because beacon always ranging even though I break the looping

bool found = false;
var _streamRanging = flutterBeacon.ranging(regions).listen((RangingResult result) {
        for (var element in result.beacons) {
          if (element.proximityUUID.toString() == proximityUUID
              && element.major.toString() == major
              && element.minor.toString() == minor){
            setState(() {
              found = true;  


      if(found) {
KinectTheUnknown commented 3 years ago

You should store the stream subscription as a property in the widget so you can cancel it in the setState and set it to null

GeekSlts commented 3 years ago

If you don't need the loop, you can try removing the repeating values and only display your updated uniques-beacons.

Try to make a new Map of your ranging then join to the map the result with a forEach, you can delete all duplicates values with this:

setState(() {
_regionBeacons[result.region] = result.beacons;
          final Map<dynamic, Beacon> profileMap = new Map();
          result.beacons.forEach((item) {
            profileMap[item.macAddress] = item;