alanrenouf / vCheck-vSphere

vCheck Daily Report for vSphere
MIT License
735 stars 325 forks source link

91 dvSwitch Portgroup Security #38

Closed fredlock closed 10 years ago

fredlock commented 11 years ago

$Title = "Security settings of Portgroups of Distibuted Virtual Switches" $Header = "Security settings of Portgroups of Distibuted Virtual Switches" $Comments = "Security settings o fPortgroups of Distibuted Virtual Switches, further information is available here." $Display = "Table" $Author = "Fred Witteman" $Version = 1.0

Start of Settings

End of Settings

$dvSwitchnames=Get-View -ViewType VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch -Property Name,Portgroup | Select * foreach($dvSwitchnames.Name in $dvSwitchnames){ $dvSwitchPortgroupSecurity+=Get-View $dvSwitchnames.Portgroup | %{$ | Select-Object -Property @{N="dvSwitch";E={$dvSwitchnames.Name}},Name, @{N="Allow Promiscuous";E={$.Config.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuous.Value}}, @{N="Allow MAC Address Change";E={$.Config.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.MacChanges.Value}}, @{N="Allow Forged Transmits";E={$.Config.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmits.Value}} } }


jakerobinson commented 10 years ago

Is this plugin any different than ?

alanrenouf commented 10 years ago

I was just wondering that!

jakerobinson commented 10 years ago

vote to close. Looks like plugin 98 covers it. :)

alanrenouf commented 10 years ago

Me too, please re-add as a new plugin if we are wrong!