alanshaw / david

:eyeglasses: Node.js module that tells you when your package npm dependencies are out of date.
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Package Name does not appear on powershell #125

Open anantoghosh opened 7 years ago

anantoghosh commented 7 years ago

Using david (9.0.0) on local windows 10 machine (x64 build 14393) with powershell (5.1.14393.206).

When showing available updates it does not show the package names.


jpaulin commented 7 years ago

Probably starting at line 101 in bin/david.js table.push([ clc.magenta(name),,[argv.unstable ? 'latest' : 'stable']) ])

That particular line: clc.magenta(name)

inserts the name of the package into left-most cell, using magenta as color. And that color doesn't render well on a Powershell's blue background.

I guess the text "npm" is found, if you select (paint) the blank-looking table cell with mouse?

This is a "best guess". I'm out of MS Windows totally, so can't test results of changing the color. Hope a test can reveal whether another approach to color works.

anantoghosh commented 7 years ago

That's what I thought too. Found this Seems like magenta is changed to deep blue in powershell. Tested with different color, works.

jpaulin commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the link to chalk talk about colors.

One solution would be to

Albeit (probably) easy thing to do, this would be worth thinking: "Is this (david) the right place to do such a color patch?" @alanshaw