alanshaw / grunt-include-replace

Grunt task to include files and replace variables. Allows for parameterised includes.
MIT License
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I'd like an example for this use case: If my source file is in a nested folder, put the output directly in that folder instead of in the destination in a nested directory #18

Closed DanKaplanSES closed 11 years ago

DanKaplanSES commented 11 years ago

For example, if my file system looks like this:


If my configuration says this:

        includereplace: {
            taskname: {
                options: {

                src: "src/dir/dir2/myhtml.html",
                dest: "dist"

It ends up putting myhtml.html in a directory like this:


I want it to put it in a directory like this:


I can't figure out any way to accomplish this.

alanshaw commented 11 years ago

You want to use the flatten option. It's a grunt option for configuring your files list:

Your task should look like this:

includereplace: {
  taskname: {
    src: "src/dir/dir2/myhtml.html",
    dest: "dist",
    expand: true,
    flatten: true