alanswx / keras_to_tensorflow

Convert keras models to tensorflow frozen graph for use on cell phones, etc
MIT License
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failed to convert Keras LSTM layer to freeze graph #1

Open hozen opened 6 years ago

hozen commented 6 years ago

The Keras backend is Tensorflow, and the model comes from Keras example:

I am trying to convert Keras model (.h5) to freeze graph (.pb), and then convert to tflite (*.tflite). Not directly convert Keras to tflite is because the tool tflite_convert get failed (lack of bias parameters). I checked with all dense layer model, this approach works well. But now get failed when handle rnn model.

The Keras model I've built is viewed as below: image

After run, the generated pb file .pb doesn't contain any LSTM layer, but only with the first Embedding layer and the last dense layer, and a huge expanded networks (i guess): image

Do you know why this happened? I've also checked one of the official tflite model (speech_speakerid_model_2017_11_14.tflite), it indeed contains LSTM layer, that means freeze graph or tflite should support this layer type: image

alanswx commented 6 years ago

I am not sure why it isn’t working. Let me know if you figure it out and if we should patch the script.