alanvardy / tod

An unofficial Todoist command line client written in Rust
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Prioritize/sort selections #378

Open stacksjb opened 1 year ago

stacksjb commented 1 year ago

When selecting destination projects, tasks, labels, etc, what sort are the items displayed in?

It doesn't appear alphabetical nor does it appear the same as they are sorted within the official Todoist App. It initially appeared ot match the tod.cfg, however editing that doesn't seem to match either.

It would be ideal if they were sorted, either alphabetically or(ideally) returned in their custom-sorted order (the official API includes an "order" value). The second option seems best to me because then you can simply instruct users to re-order them in the app in the order they would like them returned.

In addition (this could be a feature that could be enabled/disabled) it would be nice if recent selections could be prioritized or 'pinned' to the top.

stacksjb commented 1 year ago

Successful test case:

1) Items (Projects, labels, filters, etc) are returned in order of their "Sort Order" as defined in Todoist/returned by API 2) A configured number of recently (2-3) are returned to the top.

stacksjb commented 1 year ago

It appears that projects should be returned as sorted in the tod.cfg file, but that doesn't appear to be universally the case.

I would prefer they are sorted as in Todoist, but could also have an option to sort as in Config

stacksjb commented 1 month ago

Task sorting is under #793 This issue is for Project Sorting. My preferred approach will be to match Todoist sort order. Down the road can possibly change that or allow custom sorting.