alanvardy / tod

An unofficial Todoist command line client written in Rust
MIT License
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Completing a parent task should uncheck child tasks #692

Open alanvardy opened 5 months ago

stacksjb commented 4 months ago

Would you elaborate on this? Normally, my understanding is that completing a parent task should complete (Check) all child tasks as well.

alanvardy commented 4 months ago

It's been a bit since checking this and I should have added more details at the time.

The scenario is for a repeating parent task with child tasks image

I check off the child tasks image

And then if I check off the parent task it unchecks the child tasks and sets the parent task to the next date image

alanvardy commented 4 months ago

The API does not do the same thing. I have tried: a.) b.)

And in both cases the child tasks were still checked.

stacksjb commented 4 months ago

Thanks - this sounds in line with the known bugs with subtasks that I talked to Todoist devs about with their API. Let me reach out and confirm what I find out

alanvardy commented 4 months ago

This is super helpful, appreciate you doing the legwork.

stacksjb commented 3 months ago

This is a known bug with Todoist and their devs confirmed. They have it logged for review but have not prioritized it for fix yet. I will leave this open for periodic review and followup with them.