alanyang / public-definer

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Wang 新剪接系統 7/8 完成 #10

Open Ed-Law opened 1 month ago

Ed-Law commented 1 month ago


Step 1: Show Client the Flow Flow Display

Select Requirements & Quote Editor Provides Reference & Confirmation Start Editing Editing Modifications

Step 2: Basic Information

Choose Video Editing Type:

Highlight Short Video Interview Memorial Movie Long Video Educational Video Product Introduction Advertisement Event Documentation Introduction Video Animated Video AI Rough Cut Description Type Key Opinion Leader (KOL)

Video Length: (輸入)

Step 3: Choose Effects

Feeling: Cute Professional Secretive Funny YouTube Style Dramatic Inspirational Relaxing Corporate Artistic

Visual Effects:

Quick Video Transitions Dynamic Titles Text Barrage Subtitles Color Grading Motion Graphics

Sound Effects:

Background Music Key Sound Effects Voiceover Ambient Sounds Sound Effects Matching Visuals Sound Transitions

Special Intro & Outro:

Quick Animated Logo Animation Text Animation Cinematic Minimalistic Thematic None

Step 4: Other

Video Source Length:

Clients fill in the exact number of minutes and seconds. Modification Times:

5 times 6 times 7 times 8 times 9 times 10 times Customised

Description & Link Provide:

Provide detailed description Provide reference links Attach example videos Include client notes Specify any additional requests

Ed-Law commented 1 month ago

Transitions & Effects:

Standard (Editor’s Choice) Specific Preference (Specify: ____) (e.g., standard cuts, fades, wipes, smooth transitions)

Preferred Output Format: MP4 MOV AVI Other (Specify: ____)

Modification Times: Standard (5 revisions) Specify: ____

Client Information:

Full Name: ____ Company/Institution (if applicable): ____ Email Address: ____ Phone Number: ____