alanyuchenhou / athanasea

Advanced virtual animal rescue web app (CAUTION: site under construction)
MIT License
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species visibility #29

Closed alanyuchenhou closed 8 years ago

alanyuchenhou commented 8 years ago

Feature: species visibility
  In order to keep species number limited but also keep adding new species
  As the site's owner
  I want every species appears in the sea during only the specified time period

  Scenario: species appear
    Given dolphin's available time is [4/1, 12/24]
    And today is 7/4
    When I go to the sea
    Then I should see dolphin available

  Scenario: species disappear
    Given dolphin's available time is [4/1, 12/24]
    And today is 12/25
    When I go to the sea
    Then I should see no dolphin available