alapo / Literate-Programming

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Unable to Connect RStudio to Google Sheets #21

Open Oardi236 opened 5 months ago

Oardi236 commented 5 months ago

From Module 5, I opened Module05.Rmd in RStudio and tried to run line 49 to 50 like Andrew said:

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman") # if pacman is not installed, the install it.
pacman::p_load(effectsize, ggpubr, ggstatsplot, googlesheets4, janitor, jtools, knitr, parameters, rio, remotes, report, rstatix, tidyverse,  see, sjPlot, sjmisc) # load/install required packages

# Load your data ----------
df <- read_sheet("", sheet = "1")  

The first time, it opened google sheets and I was able to connect my RStudio to my Gmail account. DF was supposed to appear in my environment but it did not. I tried to re-run lines 49-50 but just get the error seen in the image below.

Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 9 44 49 PM

I'm not sure how to proceed now.

Oardi236 commented 5 months ago

I've exited RStudio and redid my steps (opened the document, ran those lines, and reconnected RStudio to google sheets) and received this new error message.

Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 9 48 03 PM
alapo commented 5 months ago

Good morning,

The links to the datasets were modified when I changed Google accounts. I have updated Module05.Rmd which you can download here

Simply copy/paste the new code to replace that in the old version. Below is a video showing you the steps.

Thanks for posting your issue.