alarm-redist / census-2020

Joined 2020 Census and election files for redistricting.
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States without 2016 Presidential vote #8

Open kuriwaki opened 2 years ago

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Only two states are missing 2016 Presidential vote:

This is not really a bug because VEST, MGGG, openelections don't seem to have that data either. But just flagging here in case someone finds a solution. It would be great to have all 50-states.

It is worth noting the NYT Upshot has 2020 precinct results in GeoJSON for those WV and MS. They don't seem to have 2016 for those states, though.

rootsmusic commented 2 years ago

Besides those you've linked, another repo for election results is MEDSL. For 2016 Presidential results, OpenElections seems to have both MS and WV.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Thanks. MEDSL and openelections don't have shapefiles; this repo's process matches by geometry. So we will need a precinct shapefile with precinct names that are similar enough to the MEDSL/openelection csv's.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago


VEST's 2016 results were mapped on shapefiles. Hopefully I'm understanding this issue. (@rootsmusic)

That VEST link does not have a or a, which is the root of this issue.

So I'd like to procure those two states from other means. Like VEST, the product should have a shapefile and 2016 presidential election results on it.

To merge the two, we probably need to merge on name of precinct.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

I looked in a bit more into the data.


West Virginia

I can try to submit a PR for each state?

rootsmusic commented 2 years ago

Precinct shapefiles aren't readily available from many states, and I strongly advise validating completeness even if available. The Census has 2020 VTD shapefiles (for P.L. 94-171), but VTDs may not be equivalent to precincts. If they aren't, then hopefully the state (which may or may not be from its board of elections) can provide a crosswalk.

P.S. if you open an issue in MEDSL's repo about their incomplete results, their staff will work on it.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Ah yes, Cory and Chris already use the PL94171 as the basis here (via their PL94171 package), and I see that the VTD names in there are similar to what I found each SOS dataset. So I'll just use the package.

Not sure what "validating" with precinct files would entail though, because I don't have a VEST precinct shapefile. We can certainly check the vote totals add up and we can do a visual inspection with Upshot's "Extremely detailed map of 2016".

rootsmusic commented 2 years ago

Yes, basic validation is just whether the shapefile is complete. I advise validating precinct shapefiles because VEST doesn't have time to validate boundaries. OpenPrecincts isn't active for 2020 elections, but they have a Python script for verifying shapefiles.

christopherkenny commented 2 years ago

Yes, we've already updated these along with the elections from KY.