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2010 Maine Congressional Districts #141

Closed mzhao80 closed 1 year ago

mzhao80 commented 1 year ago

Redistricting requirements

In Maine, following Title 21-A, Chapter 15, Section 1206, districts must:

  1. be contiguous (1)
  2. have equal populations (1)
  3. be geographically compact (1)
  4. preserve county and municipality boundaries as much as possible (1)

    Interpretation of requirements

    We enforce a maximum population deviation of 0.5%. We apply the standard algorithmic county constraint.

    Data Sources

    Data for Maine comes from the Voting and Election Science Team for 2016, 2018, and 2020. It is retabulated to 2020 Census tracts, as 2020 Census VTDs do not cover the majority of Maine's geography.

    Pre-processing Notes

    Islands tracts were connected to the nearest tract within the same district.

Simulation Notes

We sample 5,000 districting plans for Maine, across 4 independent runs of the SMC algorithm. We use the standard county constraint. We weaken the compactness parameter to 0.8 due to the relatively small state size and total number of tracts to encourage more diversity in the sample.



SMC: 5,000 sampled plans of 2 districts on 288 units
`adapt_k_thresh`=0.985 • `seq_alpha`=0.5
`est_label_mult`=1 • `pop_temper`=0

Plan diversity 80% range: 0.08 to 0.61
x WARNING: Low plan diversity

R-hat values for summary statistics:
   pop_overlap      total_vap       plan_dev      comp_edge    comp_polsby      pop_white      pop_black 
     1.0016304      1.0006552      1.0011907      1.0007446      1.0013620      1.0028100      1.0016165 
      pop_hisp       pop_aian      pop_asian       pop_nhpi      pop_other        pop_two      vap_white 
     1.0019402      0.9997223      1.0001822      1.0002458      1.0011645      1.0022978      1.0022428 
     vap_black       vap_hisp       vap_aian      vap_asian       vap_nhpi      vap_other        vap_two 
     1.0012229      1.0014702      0.9997750      0.9999535      1.0007415      1.0017581      1.0010225 
pre_16_dem_cli pre_16_rep_tru pre_20_dem_bid pre_20_rep_tru uss_18_dem_rin uss_18_rep_bra uss_20_dem_gid 
     1.0011891      1.0007762      1.0009348      1.0008138      1.0001335      1.0019796      1.0008980 
uss_20_rep_col gov_18_dem_mil gov_18_rep_moo         adv_16         adv_18         adv_20         arv_16 
     1.0036252      1.0023539      1.0056620      1.0011891      1.0017261      1.0009263      1.0007762 
        arv_18         arv_20    muni_splits            ndv            nrv        ndshare          e_dvs 
     1.0045683      1.0020944      1.0000876      1.0012118      1.0024344      1.0010895      1.0009055 
        pr_dem          e_dem           egap 
     1.0000605      1.0024182      1.0024065 

Sampling diagnostics for SMC run 1 of 4 (1,250 samples)
         Eff. samples (%) Acc. rate Log wgt. sd  Max. unique Est. k 
Split 1     1,160 (92.8%)      7.0%         0.4   801 (101%)      4 
Resample      561 (44.9%)       NA%         0.4 1,005 (127%)     NA 

Sampling diagnostics for SMC run 2 of 4 (1,250 samples)
         Eff. samples (%) Acc. rate Log wgt. sd  Max. unique Est. k 
Split 1     1,180 (94.4%)      5.7%        0.39   775 ( 98%)      5 
Resample      822 (65.8%)       NA%        0.39 1,040 (132%)     NA 

Sampling diagnostics for SMC run 3 of 4 (1,250 samples)
         Eff. samples (%) Acc. rate Log wgt. sd  Max. unique Est. k 
Split 1     1,168 (93.4%)      5.5%        0.39   797 (101%)      5 
Resample      689 (55.1%)       NA%        0.39 1,015 (128%)     NA 

Sampling diagnostics for SMC run 4 of 4 (1,250 samples)
         Eff. samples (%) Acc. rate Log wgt. sd  Max. unique Est. k 
Split 1     1,178 (94.2%)      5.8%        0.38   795 (101%)      5 
Resample      806 (64.5%)       NA%        0.38 1,030 (130%)     NA 

•  Watch out for low effective samples, very low acceptance rates (less than 1%), large std. devs. of the log
weights (more than 3 or so), and low numbers of unique plans. R-hat values for summary statistics should be
between 1 and 1.05.
• Low diversity: Check for potential bottlenecks. Increase the number of samples. Examine the diversity plot
with `hist(plans_diversity(plans), breaks=24)`. Consider weakening or removing constraints, or increasing
the population tolerance. If the accpetance rate drops quickly in the final splits, try increasing
`pop_temper` by 0.01.


Notes: Low diversity due to having only two districts. Surprised that every plan is splitting one county.
