alarner / perk

A well documented set of tools for building node web applications.
MIT License
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Add unit tests for files missing tests #77

Open alarner opened 7 years ago

alarner commented 7 years ago
justinkong94 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'd like to work on this. How do I get started?

alarner commented 7 years ago

Hey @justinkong94 that's awesome! We'd love your help. The first step will be to fork and clone (the forked copy) of the perk repository. Perk uses mocha, chai and sinon for unit tests and all tests are in the test directory.

A good place to start would be modifying the test/lib/config.js file which is designed to test the lib/config.js file. Right now this test only checks to make sure that the perk configuration object has one specific property (root) on it after being built. You could modify that test to also check for errors and env properties that are dynamically added.

If you're looking to start with something more challenging, adding new files to test some of the middleware would also be super helpful.

After making your changes you can push them to your fork and then submit a Pull Request. If you have any questions along the way feel free to post them here or join our slack channel (which I can invite you to).

Thanks again for offering to help!

justinkong94 commented 7 years ago

Ok I'll start with the config.js file first. Thanks for the help!

RobAWilkinson commented 7 years ago

Any progress on this @justinkong94 ? Id hate to duplicate your work.