alarner / perk

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Postgres command not working - it lives somewhere else on my computer #91

Closed m2mathew closed 7 years ago

m2mathew commented 7 years ago

As I followed along with the docs and the video #1, I was unable to use this command to start my postgres server.

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist

The solution so eloquently given to me by @alarner was to run brew info postgres. At the bottom of this info stream was the magical command ✨ to start up postgres on my machine. As this will likely help others, it might be wise to include this brew command for other Perk-ers to use. 😜

brew services start postgresql (and also brew servcies start redis)

m2mathew commented 7 years ago

PR created here to add these commands to the docs.

alarner commented 7 years ago

PR merged!