alashworth / test-issue-import

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add tuple type to Stan language #171

Open alashworth opened 5 years ago

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Issue by mitzimorris Tuesday Oct 31, 2017 at 18:22 GMT Originally opened as


add type tuple to Stan language. A tuple is a container type which consists of an ordered list of element types. In theory, the list could be length 0 or 1; in practice we should restrict this to list of length strictly greater than 1.


A tuple is a container type which consists of an ordered list of element types. Tuple elements can be any Stan container or primitive type.

Example of tuple declarations, including compound declaration/definition, using parenthesis to enclose the list of element types and initial element values:

tuple(int, real) pair_i_r;
tuple(int, real) pair_i_r = ( 1, 2.0 );
tuple(int, real) pair_i_r = ( 1, 2 );  # promote ints to reals

tuple(int, tuple(int,real)) pair_i_tuple_i_r;
tuple(int, tuple(int,real)) pair_i_tuple_i_r; = ( 1, (2, 3.0));

Tuple elements are accessed by position, counting from 1, e.g.:

tuple(int, real) pair_i_r = ( 1, 2.0 );
tuple(int, tuple(int,real)) pair_i_tuple_i_r; = ( 1, (2, 3.0));

int i = pair_i_r.1;
real r = pair_i_tuple_i_r.2.2;

Note: could use symbols other than parens and period for these operations.

Additional Information:

Implementation will proceed stepwise. For this issue, we will add the necessary nodes to stan/lang/ast and callback functions in stan/lang/generator .

Current Version:


alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by sakrejda Saturday Jan 20, 2018 at 22:09 GMT

@mitzimorris So... I finally have a model on hand where having tuples of non-identical matrices would be fantastic and I have two questions about this feature: 1) does it cover tuples as containers of non-identical matrices; and 2) how's it going? want help?

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by bob-carpenter Sunday Jan 21, 2018 at 19:28 GMT

Yes, it'll allow heterogeneous types. But they're predeclared and sized like everything else (except as function arguments, where there are no sizes).

In practice, it's going to look like this:

(matrix[M, N], matrix[P, Q], int) y;
y.1 = mat1;
y.2 = mat2;
y.3 = 3;

In compound form with tuple expressions:

(matrix[M, N], matrix[P, Q], int) y = (mat1, mat2, 3);

There's some ongoing discussion about naming slots---basically defining structs rather than tuples.

It is not going to be an arbitrary dynamically typed dictionary (Python) or list (R) type---that'd break our strong static typing, which I very much want to keep.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by sakrejda Monday Jan 22, 2018 at 00:33 GMT

That's awesome.... though can the indexing here be a variable? E.g:

int i;
x = y[i] * 2.0

I guess I'm one more failing test short of my own PR and then I said I'd test stuff for MPI... then I'd love to help with this if possible :)

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by bob-carpenter Tuesday Jan 23, 2018 at 18:07 GMT

Afraid not. That would break the ability to do static indexing. I'm sure everyone from the R/Python world are going to want list/dictionary types with dynamic typing, but that's not what this is.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by sakrejda Tuesday Jan 23, 2018 at 19:35 GMT

I don't so much care about the R/Python world and dynamic typing but allowing integers for indexing (e.g.-from the data block) would make it easier to use the data block to specify interfaces (e.g.- a joint GLM with K model matrices). Oh well.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by bob-carpenter Tuesday Jan 23, 2018 at 20:07 GMT

Integers for indexing leads to dynamic typing of the return. The data is dynamic---that is, it happens after compile time.

I do understand there are a lot of use cases where general lists would help.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by sakrejda Wednesday Jan 24, 2018 at 14:23 GMT

I can't always get what I want.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by mitzimorris Friday Oct 26, 2018 at 16:38 GMT

we don't want tuples, we want structs, i.e., names associated with each element. structs are on the roadmap for the Stan 3 language. we should update this issue accordingly.

alashworth commented 5 years ago

Comment by bob-carpenter Friday Oct 26, 2018 at 18:19 GMT

we don't want tuples, we want structs, i.e., names associated with each element. this feature is on the roadmap for the Stan 3 language. we should update this issue accordingly.

This is a critical feature, but it's independent of Stan 3. Stan 3 is the opportunity to remove deprecated functions. We can add compatible stuff independently.

If we're going to have struct type objects, we need a design for how they're declared, defined, and how their elements are accessed. I'm all for having struct, by the way---just saying we need the design.