alastairtree / Hangfire.MaximumConcurrentExecutions

Adds [MaximumConcurrentExecutions(n)] attribute to Hangfire.IO to throttle executions of a job
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DistributedLockTimeoutException #7

Open ag-susini opened 5 years ago

ag-susini commented 5 years ago

Keep getting a distributed lock time out on a recurring job that fires every 15th minute.


   at Hangfire.MaximumConcurrentExecutionsAttribute.OnPerforming(PerformingContext filterContext)
   at Hangfire.Profiling.ProfilerExtensions.InvokeAction[TInstance](InstanceAction`1 tuple)
   at Hangfire.Profiling.SlowLogProfiler.InvokeMeasured[TInstance,TResult](TInstance instance, Func`2 action, String message)
   at Hangfire.Profiling.ProfilerExtensions.InvokeMeasured[TInstance](IProfiler profiler, TInstance instance, Action`1 action, String message)
   at Hangfire.Server.BackgroundJobPerformer.InvokePerformFilter(IServerFilter filter, PerformingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation)```
alastairtree commented 3 years ago

Afraid i don't have any time to look into this, but if you are able to submit a PR for a fix I could merge it. Thanks

1bberto commented 1 year ago

I'm also facing the same issue. 😭