alatsombath / Fountain-of-Colors

Music visualizer for Rainmeter
95 stars 9 forks source link - not woking? #38

Open ShinKirigaya opened 10 months ago

ShinKirigaya commented 10 months ago

Hello there, i took the time to set up the with a 100 Bar color palette, it took quite a long time. Now my problem is: why can't i seem to get it to work? Why aren't the cpolors of the bars individual? Is it even supposed to do that or is it just for some mathematical things that the lua script needs? Pls help :/

PS.: I did try looking it up online, but found only one guy that tried to do the same, but without success.

LunarZenith commented 5 months ago

Hey man found a fix? Im tryna do this as well but so far no luck :|