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Reproduce MSR-VTT 1K Results #37

Closed EntilZha closed 2 years ago

EntilZha commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm working on reproducing the MSR-VTT 1K results and running into this error. Is there a command I need to issue in order to download the missing data? I tried both manually downloading the data and using python misc/ --dataset MSRVTT

$ python --config data/config.json --resume data/trained_model.pth --eval_from_training_config --save_sim_path data/msrvtt_sim.npy
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/MSRVTT/high-quality/structured-symlinks/aggregated_i3d_25fps_256px_stride25_offset0_inner_stride1/i3d-avg.pickle'

The model and config are both from the table in the readme corresponding to MSR-VTT 1KA results, with the config being this JSON config after changing eval_settings: false to eval_settings: {} to avoid an error in merging configuration files. Thanks!

ioanacroi commented 2 years ago


First of all that model is not trained for the 1K split. That model is trained for the full split which has 7k videos in training and 3k videos in testing. So, that specific model will give lower numbers when tested on the 1kA split. For testing on the 1kA split you need to have different configurations in the config file. So, you will need to change the gtp2-xl-finetuned-adam config file with the modification specified in jsfusion config file. The final config should contain the followings:

    "eval_mode": "fixed_num_epochs",
    "data_loader": {
        "type": "ExpertDataLoader",
            "dataset_name": "MSRVTT",
            "split_name": "jsfusion"
    "eval_settings": false


EntilZha commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response, appreciate it!

On the model, to clarify I grabbed the model inked under this section, specifically the row CE/1K-A/t2v task, which is this one Is this the correct model to use?

The first thing I tried was using the corresponding config file

Initially, I ran python --config data/1KA/config.json --resume data/1KA/trained_model.pth --eval_from_training_config which gave this error:

log config: logger/logger_config.json exists: True
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 231, in <module>
  File "", line 114, in evaluation
    merge(eval_conf._config, config["eval_settings"], strategy=Strategy.REPLACE)
  File "/PREFIX/miniconda3/envs/fast/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mergedeep/", line 100, in merge
    return reduce(partial(_deepmerge, strategy=strategy), sources, destination)
  File "/PREFIX/miniconda3/envs/fast/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mergedeep/", line 75, in _deepmerge
    for key in src:
TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable

Which I debugged a bit and figured was that eval_settings is expected to be iterable, hence changing it to {}. Does that seem correct? Once that is fixed, I get the error I mentioned above. Am I correct in thinking that this is the model I'd want to use to reproduce the paper results for the 1K split?

If I understand your suggestion correctly, what I'd actually want to do is use the config file you mentioned and modify it with the eval settings. The model that refers to seems to be the main table under "full", would this model give lower numbers due to training on 7K or give the paper numbers? If it gives lower, is there a way to fix the prior error? Thanks!

ioanacroi commented 2 years ago


For the 1k-A split, the model is trained for a fixed number of epochs and for evaluation you don't need to specify the --eval_from_training_config argument (for 1k-A the testing step is equivalent to the validation step, so that's why the argument should not be specified). The --eval_from_training_config argument is needed for all the other datasets and splits, except for 1k-A. So, if you use this model and this config with the command

python --config data/1KA/config.json --resume data/1KA/trained_model.pth you will get the results presented under

The gpt2-xl model is trained on the full split, so it will produce lower results than a model trained on the 1k-A split (still it should produce higher numbers than the model under You can still evaluate it, modifying the config as specified in my previous comment (without the --eval_from_training_config argument).

Cheers, Ioana

EntilZha commented 2 years ago

Thanks for clarifying, I'm still having issues running the model due to the missing file error from above, which I also put below. Any thoughts on what to download to fix that?

$ python --config data/1KA/config.json --resume data/1KA/trained_model.pth
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/MSRVTT/high-quality/structured-symlinks/aggregated_i3d_25fps_256px_stride25_offset0_inner_stride1/i3d-avg.pickle'
ioanacroi commented 2 years ago


What features have you downloaded? If you want to test this model, then you should download the following features: http:/ If you are interested in gpt2-xl models, then you should use other configs (which do not require i3d features).

Cheers, Ioana

ioanacroi commented 2 years ago


I will close this issue. Feel free to open it if necessary!