Thank you so much @albanie. The previous problems (#14) have solved.
But I think there is something else that is going wrong in vl_nnmatchpriors.
When I want to use the output generated by training procedure (for example net-epoch-50.mat) in test mode, I face an error at the following assertion:
cellfun(@(x) assert(all(all(x(:,3:4) - x(:,1:2) > 0)), ...
'MULTIBOXCODER:invalidGroundTruthBoxes', ...
'ground truth boxes must be in the (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) format'), ...
gt) ;
This is the exact error message:
Input #2 expected to be a cell array, was double instead.
I think since in this case, the gt argument is an empty 0x0 double array, there should be some problems.
Thank you so much @albanie. The previous problems (#14) have solved. But I think there is something else that is going wrong in
. When I want to use the output generated by training procedure (for examplenet-epoch-50.mat
) in test mode, I face an error at the following assertion:This is the exact error message:
I think since in this case, the
argument is an empty 0x0 double array, there should be some problems.