albar965 / littlenavmap

Little Navmap is a free flight planner, navigation tool, moving map, airport search and airport information system for Flight Simulator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Prepar3D and X-Plane.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Export to KLN 90B #1136

Closed p0lfilt3r closed 3 weeks ago

p0lfilt3r commented 3 weeks ago

Dear albar965,

could you please add the export to the KLN 90b?


albar965 commented 3 weeks ago

Do you have an example file for the kln.fpl?

I know several fpl formats having a different layout (XML, INI, Garmin, etc.) and neither the KLN wiki nor the code have an example.

p0lfilt3r commented 3 weeks ago

It is the same as for the PMS50 GTN750. Just a different folder and a different name.

The info file in the folder of the KLN 90B says:

_"You can load a .fpl file this way:

  • Put a kln.pln into this folder. The name must be kln.pln, any other file will not be recognized.
  • Go to the SET 10 page, press IMPORT FPL and follow the dialogue

The kln.pln file must be a valid FS2020 flight plan file. These files can be generated using Little Navmap or Simbrief. If you receive an error, please check if the file is a valid FS2020 flight plan file."_

(had to zip it because github doesn't accept fpl-files as attachement)

albar965 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks. This looks like a normal MSFS PLN file. To be more precise the same as PMS50 GTN750. Will add for 3.0.7.