albar965 / littlenavmap

Little Navmap is a free flight planner, navigation tool, moving map, airport search and airport information system for Flight Simulator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Prepar3D and X-Plane.
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Airports in LNM are closed, but available in MSFS #876

Closed BuffyGC closed 2 years ago

BuffyGC commented 2 years ago

Hi Alex, thanks for the great conversion yesterday.

here we go with a similar issue, only counter wise. i.e. LEWQ is marked as closed in LNM, I think, because all runways are closed. But in the airport record it is not marked as closed. The airport is usable in MSFS.

Reference: #820

Here a list of Airports I found (open in MSFS airport record, closed in LNM). Keine Gewähr ob dies richtig und vollständig ist:) 00XA, 01NK, 04NV, 07MT, 08GA, 0CA3, 0CN1, 0GE2, 0M1, 0OH8, 0R4, 13ME, 17U, 17Z, 1G6, 1I5, 1NY9, 1S3, 1V6, 1XS7, 20R, 21F, 25A, 2C4, 2I2, 2N5, 2TA6, 2TE8, 2V6, 2WN4, 2XS5, 2Y2, 32WA, 34TS, 38AZ, 38J, 3AZ2, 3C8, 3FD1, 3G1, 3N5, 4AZ7, 4MO1, 4OI8, 4TE0, 51FD, 55S, 57K, 57Y, 58S, 5AK6, 5S2, 63CO, 64TE, 68CL, 6G0, 6PA4, 6TA4, 6W6, 6XA4, 7A3, 7NC2, 80E, 81CA, 8Q0, 9IS2, 9L2, AK19, AK39, AZ05, CA19, CA41, CA53, CDH1, CKM6, CL18, CL84, CML2, CNE2, CNE9, CNS8, CYTJ, EDUS, EGCV, EGDC, EGDT, EGIV, EGOY, EGVL, EGWH, EGXH, EICD, EIIB, ENSM, EPKG, ESCK, ESNF, ETHT, ETIE, ETOR, F50, FADC, FAKG, FANE, FASU, FAVR, FAWE, FAWY, FAYL, FCBB, FD48, FL03, FL34, FMRA, FNWK, FQMB, FVGT, FVHA, GA20, HKKW, HKLX, HKNE, HKNT, HKOY, HKPG, HKPR, HKQD, HKQO, HKSW, HUBK, I06, IBO, ID32, ID86, K32, KAGO, KAIY, KARZ, KBYH, KCAI, KCAW, KCCB, KCHG, KELK, KHAX, KISZ, KMCX, KNII, KNRA, KNUN, KNXX, KPTG, KRBL, KSJS, KWRG, L23, L67, LERL, LEWQ, LF63, LFQE, LFQP, LFYK, LGKM, LIDZ, LIEJ, LIER, LIFX, LIIX, LIMP, LIQU, LIUS, LJCE, LKZA, LLNV, LPPO, LQCG, M52, M88, MBSY, MD96, MDPO, ME16, ME41, MM1P, MM52, MM56, MM60, MM76, MM79, MMAC, MMHI, MMIM, MMLE, MMMC, MMSC, MMTG, MO89, MP25, MRJO, MXOC, MYGW, MYXB, N32, N69, N76, NY37,NY94, NZOX, O07, O20, OAFZ, OG39, OMAJ, OMUQ, OOAD, OOSH, OR07, OR10, OR12, OR17, OR19, OR73, RJ04, RPLM, S98, SA42, SADJ, SANI, SATP, SB3E, SBAV, SBKQ, SBKZ, SBLP, SBNM, SBUP, SBWY, SC42, SC80, SCLE, SCMY, SCPC, SCQI, SCTN, SDTB, SIZG, SJCY, SNJB, SNLO, SNNH, SNPX, SNVD, SSCF, SVQO, SVRB, SWCZ, SWNH, SWPY, SWTC, SWUD, TA34, TE27, TX25, UKKT, UNBI, UT27, VAGD, VOHY, W77, WA68, WA76, WALT, WASU, X46, X64, XS63, YLLE, YMYI, YPAM, ZBER

Viele Grüße. Thomas

albar965 commented 2 years ago

Hallo Thomas,

thanks. Quite a list.

Seems I can remove all my old workarounds to keep the airports open. I suppose it makes sense to keep the closed runways in these cases and fully rely on the closed flag.


BuffyGC commented 2 years ago

Hi Alex,

yes, kind of stupid. And a few versions later you add it again, when Asob thinks, that wasn't so good after all. Maybe a (hidden) option would be good.

I'm checking some from the list right now, and haven't found an exception yet. Do you also still need the list for #820? Then I'll add it there.


albar965 commented 2 years ago

Do you also still need the list for #820?

Nope. I'll do the change and the some spot checks.

albar965 commented 2 years ago

The result after change albar965/atools@bf91a9994ad15ae4457978a029d5b51b8e06ca36 KODX and LANO are marked as closed despite having open runways. LEWQ and others marked open despite having all runways closed. Hope this makes sense. Did not compare against MSFS behavior yet.