albatrossandco / brubeck_cms

A Django-based open source CMS for newspapers
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Modify change form for select models #14

Open allanjamesvestal opened 12 years ago

allanjamesvestal commented 12 years ago

Remove "view on site" and "history" buttons. These will be accessed elsewhere.

Change save links to "exit", "exit and save changes", "exit and finish editing". Hide delete — this is on the change list.

Add tabs on top of change form. For now, there will only be "edit" and "preview", but "production", "layout" and "social media" may eventually be added. (Make this modular, as there will eventually be a Maneater-specific "cq's" tab for their site.)

Also, figure out where on change list page to put "view on site" for published items, and add deletion functions to change list (including a confirmation prompt and separate version/item deletion depending on how many versions exist).