albeebe / PHP-FindMyiPhone

PHP class to locate, play sounds, and lock iOS devices
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Help~ My code suddenly not working last night again #16

Open yueshiou opened 6 years ago

yueshiou commented 6 years ago

First of all. Again many thanks to you for this code. I have used it to make a small business for 4 years.

It was working very well. But it suddenly doesn't work last night. and I got a error message :

Can anyone please help me? how to fix it?And what happen?

[sendapp@localhost www]$ php yue.php

[sendapp@localhost www]$

zuidwijk commented 6 years ago

I think they changes something at Apple's side. I had the same sort code (created my own) and it doesn't work anymore. It gives no response.

Part of my code: curl -s -X POST -L -u '".$arrDevice['email'].":".$arrDevice['pass']."' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'X-Apple-Find-Api-Ver: 2.0' -H 'X-Apple-Authscheme: UserIdGuest' -H 'X-Apple-Realm-Support: 1.0' -H 'User-agent: Find iPhone/1.3 MeKit (iPad: iPhone OS/4.2.1)' -H 'X-Client-Name: iPad' -H 'X-Client-UUID: 0cf3dc501ff812adb0b202baed4f37274b210853' -H 'Accept-Language: en-us' -H 'Connection: keep-alive'".$arrDevice['email']."/initClient

jakehaas commented 6 years ago

It looks like the issue has to do with Apple changing their SSL certificate. As a temporary solution, I modified the library to skip SSL checking when doing CURL requests:

In the curlPOST function I added this: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

And then it started working again. This is not an ideal solution, but I really needed to get it working ASAP.

Egregius commented 6 years ago

Thank you for this temporary workaround! Works again for now.

zuidwijk commented 6 years ago

Better wait till it’s fixed. Never send your Apple ID over an unsecured line...