albeebe / PHP-FindMyiPhone

PHP class to locate, play sounds, and lock iOS devices
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PHP-Find My iPhone Silent Remove Icloud #20

Open tr4kz3r opened 1 year ago

tr4kz3r commented 1 year ago

What has changed in the new apple version? Because I'm trying to use this code to remove the FMI-OFF and it doesn't work I need a little help with my code

public function removeICLOUD() {
        if (sizeof($this->devices) == 0) $this->getDevices();
        foreach ($this->devices as $device) {
            if ($device->deviceStatus >= 200) {
                $url = '' . $this->username . '/remove';
                $body = json_encode(array('device' => $device->ID));
                list($headers, $body) = $this->curlPOST($url, $body, $this->username . ':' . $this->password);