albeebe / PHP-FindMyiPhone

PHP class to locate, play sounds, and lock iOS devices
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Undefined Variable line 247 #8

Open xfrostyx opened 7 years ago

xfrostyx commented 7 years ago

Notice: Undefined variable: request in \htdocs_test\fmi\examples\class.findmyiphone.php on line 247

Which turns to be this line. $arrHeaders["Content-Length"] = strlen($request);

I must be misunderstanding something because others have it working but nowhere in the code is $request defined and the class pulls no data.

beinnlora commented 7 years ago

I get the message too. It's just a NOTICE level message, but my php verbosity normally hides it. You are right - $requests is undefined. the Curl library manages the content length header elegantly on its own. You can probably comment this out if the PHP NOTICE bugs you