Closed sserdyuk closed 4 years ago
I am adding this : "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [ "ngx-papaparse" ] to angular.json build part but not able to suppress the warning.
I have just release V5. This is a problem with Papa Parse being a Common JS library. However, as @Amanpreet21 pointed out, you can disable the warning. More information here:
Angular produces this message at the build. I can temporarily suppress it by adding an exception to angular.json file, but it would be nice to have the library properly packaged. Here's a link to Angular's documentation on CommonJS related issues:
WARNING in /home/sergei/Projects/Angular/revenue-matters/node_modules/ngx-papaparse/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/ngx-papaparse.js depends on 'papaparse/papaparse.min.js'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.