albertinad / brackets-bower

Bower integration in Brackets.
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Help with $PATH #45

Open awakekat opened 9 years ago

awakekat commented 9 years ago

After installing the plugin I get a warning error that brackets cant find git in the path. I use ohmyzsh and am able to get to my .zshrc file to make changes but I do not know what changes to make.

echo $PATH = is 3 lines long the width of my monitor and I know that can't be right, but here it is: /usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/git/bin/git:/usr/local/heroku/bin:/usr/git/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin:/Users/username/.rvm/bin (This looks wacky to me with so many repeats)

I had a problem updating git to the new version of gitand had to take some didfficult steps to make the new version take - I kept checking the version number and it would stay after updating. Since then things are not working properly. HELP Please?! <3

In the .zshrc file: export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH

FYI - this problem is on all 3 of my macs. Would really like help fixing this.

eip commented 9 years ago

On OS X 10.10 having similar problem with Brackets Shell extension (

With "echo $PATH" command found that PATH variable inside Brackets environment differs from OS shell. Its set to "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" and does not include "/usr/local/bin" directory.

I temporary fixed it by adding this code:

if (process.env.PATH.indexOf('/usr/local/bin') === -1) {
    process.env["PATH"] = '/usr/local/bin:' + process.env["PATH"];

to the "/Applications/" file (after lines setting the process.env["TMPDIR"]).

stacyk commented 8 years ago

I have had this same problem for a while now as well running on a Mac with OS X Yosemite (10.10.5), using ZSH instead of Bash. Hoping to check some of these links out to find a solution. I'll post my results.

albertinad commented 8 years ago

Hi! thanks for helping! I have an available Mac now with OS X Yosemite (but lateste version 10.11.1), I will set up my environment and instead of using Bash I will use ZSH so I can try to reproduce it.

albertinad commented 8 years ago

Hi @stacyk , can you please follow the steps in the issue #80 , with the pre-release version of the extension and share the logs?
