albertinad / brackets-bower

Bower integration in Brackets.
MIT License
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Bower for Brackets does not install packages #76

Open MrRafalSzymanski opened 9 years ago

MrRafalSzymanski commented 9 years ago


I've ecnountered an issue which I thought was caused by your extension.

I'm using Brackets on Windows with Git properly installed and added to PATH but whenever I tried to install a bower package all I got was: "Failed to install X" (X is the name of the package).

So, I installed bower separately to check for errors and I got:

C:\Angular>bower install angularjs bower not-cached git:// bower resolve git:// bower ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://", exit code of #128 fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=No error

Additional error details: fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=No error

Unfortunately your extension does not display this message about connection problems so users will be quite puzzled as to what is going on and why packages are not being installed.

Fortunately this is something I have encountered on Linux with bower previously so I know the easiest solution is to switch from git:// to https:// as github provides access via both protocols.

So to solve the aforementioned issue just use this command:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

albertinad commented 9 years ago

Hi @MrRafalSzymanski thanks for reporting this. I'm improving the error messages for the users. I will take this situation into account and display more information about how to configure git when this error happens.