albertlauncher / albert

A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
7.2k stars 304 forks source link

Albert freezes when running under ~40% CPU #1336

Closed cbrico closed 9 months ago

cbrico commented 9 months ago

Package source


App report

coco@coco-Latitude-9430:~$ albert report
       Albert version: 0.22.17
           Build date: Nov 26 2023 01:37:02
           Qt version: 6.2.4
            Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64
   Build architecture: x86_64
     CPU architecture: x86_64
          Kernel type: linux
       Kernel version: 5.15.0-91-generic
                   OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
              OS type: ubuntu
           OS version: 22.04
        Platform name: xcb
           Style name: fusion
     Available styles: Windows, Fusion
           Icon theme: Yaru-MATE-dark
                 Font: Ubuntu,11,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
             Language: French
               Locale: fr_FR
      Binary location: /usr/bin/albert
          Working dir: /home/coco
            Arguments: albert
                $LANG: fr_FR.UTF-8
                $PATH: /home/coco/.local/bin:/home/coco/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/home/coco/bin
               $SHELL: /bin/bash

Current Behavior

When launched (either at startup or once session opened) Albert consumes a lot of CPU at the beginning (I guess when indexing files, which is normal), then it is usable for say 2 minutes. Looking at top I can see albert's CPU usage decreasing. When CPU usage goes below ~40% (as measured using top) it freezes whenever I try any query.

Expected Behavior

To have Albert continuing to work

Anything else?

I have tried both the QML Box Model and Widgets Box Model. Same behavior. Also tried to limit the number of files indexed using .albertignore. Idem. And of course to uninstall and reinstall using apt. I run Albert on Ubuntu-mate 22.04

Thank you for the great app though !

ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

Please post the logs when running a new albert instance (quit albert before) from terminal using QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert.*=true' albert.

cbrico commented 9 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the answer. Here are the logs :

coco@coco-Latitude-9430:~$ QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert.*=true' albert
11:42:56 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
11:42:56 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Shift+Space
11:42:56 [] Downloading docset list from ''
11:42:56 [warn:default] QFileSystemWatcher::addPaths: list is empty
11:42:56 [info:albert.chromium] Indexed 0 bookmarks [0 ms]
11:42:57 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/coco
11:43:10 [debg:albert.terminal] Indexing $/usr/share/tor-browser, $/usr/share/maven/bin, /home/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco, /home/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /bin, /usr/games, /usr/local/games, /snap/bin, /home/coco/bin, /home/coco/.local/share/tropy
11:43:10 [] Docset list updated.
11:43:10 [info:albert.terminal] Indexed 10143 executables [429 ms]
coco@coco-Latitude-9430:~$ albert --report
       Albert version: 0.22.17
           Build date: Nov 26 2023 01:37:02
           Qt version: 6.2.4
            Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64
   Build architecture: x86_64
     CPU architecture: x86_64
          Kernel type: linux
       Kernel version: 5.15.0-91-generic
                   OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
              OS type: ubuntu
           OS version: 22.04
        Platform name: xcb
           Style name: fusion
     Available styles: Windows, Fusion
           Icon theme: Adwaita
                 Font: Sans Serif,9,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
             Language: French
               Locale: fr_FR
      Binary location: /usr/bin/albert
          Working dir: /home/coco
            Arguments: albert --report
                $LANG: fr_FR.UTF-8
                $PATH: $/usr/share/tor-browser:$/usr/share/maven/bin:/home/coco/.local/bin:/home/coco/coco/.local/bin:/home/coco:/home/coco/.local/bin:/home/coco/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/home/coco/bin::/home/coco/.local/share/tropy
               $SHELL: /bin/bash
ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

Try to freeze it while capturing the logs.

cbrico commented 9 months ago

Here are the logs. At that point, the shortcut (ctrl+shift+space bar) doesn't show the Albert window. In fact it does nothing but the Albert icon on the top bar is still visible. Clicking "Quit" or "Restart" after a right-click on the icon does nothing. As mentioned before, I still could use Albert right after it was launched during around 1 minute, when the CPU usage of Albert was very high (as measured with top).

coco@coco-Latitude-9430:~$ QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert.*=true' albert
14:31:38 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
14:31:38 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Shift+Space
14:31:38 [] Downloading docset list from ''
14:31:38 [warn:default] QFileSystemWatcher::addPaths: list is empty
14:31:39 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/coco
14:31:52 [info:albert.chromium] Indexed 0 bookmarks [0 ms]
14:31:52 [debg:albert.terminal] Indexing $/usr/share/tor-browser, $/usr/share/maven/bin, /home/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco, /home/coco/.local/bin, /home/coco/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /bin, /usr/games, /usr/local/games, /snap/bin, /home/coco/bin, /home/coco/.local/share/tropy
14:31:53 [] Docset list updated.
14:31:53 [info:albert.terminal] Indexed 10143 executables [644 ms]
14:32:02 [debg:albert.wbm] moveEvent QPoint(0,0) > QPoint(0,0)
14:32:02 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:02 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:32:02 [debg:albert.wbm] moveEvent QPoint(0,0) > QPoint(627,240)
14:32:20 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:20 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:32:30 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:30 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:32:33 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:33 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:32:49 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:49 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:32:57 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:32:57 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
14:33:09 [debg:albert.wbm] eDP-1 AU Optronics  1 QRect(0,0 1920x1200)
14:33:09 [debg:albert.wbm] win_width 664 newX 627 newY 240
ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

Nothing suspect there besides the lacking file index finished log. Please disable that files plugin and test again with the files plugin disabled to confirm. Also please post a screenshot of your files plugin config.

cbrico commented 9 months ago

OK it works with the files plugin disabled. But then I lack one of Albert's most useful feature. Is this what you mean by screenshot of the files plugin config ? Any idea on how to enable the plugin without all the problems ?

2023-12-19 07-20-26-albert

ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

When enabled ofc 😄

cbrico commented 9 months ago

Problem solved ! It seems that the files browsing had a problem with subtitle-edit. I noticed that thanks to you asking to show the files plugin config (cf. image). I deleted the subtitle-edit app, and no problem then. Thank you for taking the time to help me. And for the app of course.

2023-12-19 10-23-28-albert

ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

Well I am still interested in the problem. Albert should not freeze at all

cbrico commented 9 months ago

Sure. Let me know if you want me to post some logs or any info

ManuelSchneid3r commented 9 months ago

Albert should be able to handle such cases. I see there is a link to root/.../dev. Maybe the issue is that the mime database tries to fetch some bytes to determine the mimetype.but the device does not respond to a read. Please select the path such that I can see the config. Also post the mime type filter.