albertlauncher / albert

A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
7.16k stars 303 forks source link

Albert using seemingly random font, which happens to be basically unreadable. #1398

Open bepstein111 opened 1 month ago

bepstein111 commented 1 month ago

Package source

debian OBS repo

App logs

└─[$] <> QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert*=true' albert --platform xcb
03:17:31 [debg:albert]        Albert version: 0.23.0
03:17:31 [debg:albert]            Build date: Mar 27 2024 13:20:03
03:17:31 [debg:albert]            Qt version: 6.4.2
03:17:31 [debg:albert]             Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64
03:17:31 [debg:albert]    Build architecture: x86_64
03:17:31 [debg:albert]      CPU architecture: x86_64
03:17:31 [debg:albert]           Kernel type: linux
03:17:31 [debg:albert]        Kernel version: 6.1.0-21-amd64
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                    OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
03:17:31 [debg:albert]               OS type: debian
03:17:31 [debg:albert]            OS version: 12
03:17:31 [debg:albert]         Platform name: xcb
03:17:31 [debg:albert]            Style name: fusion
03:17:31 [debg:albert]      Available styles: Windows, Fusion
03:17:31 [debg:albert]            Icon theme: Vivid-Dark-Icons
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                  Font: Sans,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
03:17:31 [debg:albert]              Language: English
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                Locale: en_US
03:17:31 [debg:albert]       Binary location: /usr/bin/albert
03:17:31 [debg:albert]           Working dir: /home/bep
03:17:31 [debg:albert]             Arguments: albert
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                 $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
03:17:31 [debg:albert] $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME: qt5ct
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                 $PATH: /home/bep/.local/bin:/usr/local/cuda-11.6/bin:/usr/local/cuda-11.6/bin:/home/bep/.bin:/home/bep/.local/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/home/bep/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/home/bep/.local/bin:/home/bep/.local/share/zap/plugins/diff-so-fancy
03:17:31 [debg:albert]                $SHELL: /bin/bash
03:17:31 [debg:albert]     $XDG_SESSION_TYPE: x11
03:17:31 [debg:albert]  $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: XFCE
03:17:31 [debg:albert]      $DESKTOP_SESSION: lightdm-xsession
03:17:31 [debg:albert]  $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP: lightdm-xsession
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Checking for a running instance…
03:17:31 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Creating local server /home/bep/.cache/albert/ipc_socket
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Connecting to database…
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Initializing database…
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Updating usage scores…
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/
03:17:31 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space
03:17:31 [debg:albert] Try loading the configured frontend 'widgetsboxmodel'.
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 8 ms spent loading plugin 'files'
03:17:32 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/bep
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 38 ms spent instanciating plugin 'files'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 109 ms spent initializing plugin 'files'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'clipboard'
03:17:32 [debg:albert.clipboard] Reading clipboard history from /home/bep/.local/share/albert/clipboard/clipboard_history
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'clipboard'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent initializing plugin 'clipboard'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 16 ms spent loading plugin 'calculator_qalculate'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 46 ms spent instanciating plugin 'calculator_qalculate'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent initializing plugin 'calculator_qalculate'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'applications_xdg'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'applications_xdg'
03:17:32 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent initializing plugin 'applications_xdg'
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/code-url-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/gcr-prompter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/gcr-viewer.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-xsltfilter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/nm-applet.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/panel-desktop-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/python3.11.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/usr/share/applications/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set.
03:17:32 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 635 apps [22 ms]
03:17:34 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Scoring│ Count│
03:17:34 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Sorting│ Count│
03:17:34 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #0 GLOBAL ''
03:17:34 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│ ------- │ ---- │ #0 TOTAL
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Scoring│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     1│ #1 'a' albert
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│    19│ #1 'a' applications_xdg
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     2│ #1 'a' pluginregistry
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     2 ms│   580│ #1 'a' files
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Scoring│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     1│ #2 'as' albert
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     2│ #2 'as' applications_xdg
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #2 'as' pluginregistry
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│    28│ #2 'as' files
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #1 'a' calculator_qalculate
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Sorting│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│   602│ #1 GLOBAL 'a'
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    11 ms│ ------- │ ---- │ #1 TOTAL
03:17:35 [debg:albert.qalculate] "a" is not a valid variable/function/unit.
03:17:35 [debg:albert.qalculate] "as" is not a valid variable/function/unit.
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    12 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #2 'as' calculator_qalculate
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Sorting│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    12 ms│     0 ms│    31│ #2 GLOBAL 'as'
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    12 ms│ ------- │ ---- │ #2 TOTAL
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Scoring│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'asd' albert
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'asd' files
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'asd' applications_xdg
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'asd' pluginregistry
03:17:35 [debg:albert.qalculate] "asd" is not a valid variable/function/unit.
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'asd' calculator_qalculate
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Sorting│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 GLOBAL 'asd'
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│ ------- │ ---- │ #3 TOTAL
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Scoring│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 'asdf' albert
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 'asdf' applications_xdg
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 'asdf' pluginregistry
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 'asdf' files
03:17:35 [debg:albert.qalculate] "asdf" is not a valid variable/function/unit.
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 'asdf' calculator_qalculate
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│  Sorting│ Count│
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #4 GLOBAL 'asdf'
03:17:35 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │    10 ms│ ------- │ ---- │ #4 TOTAL
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Clearing icon cache
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#0 '']
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#1 'a']
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#2 'as']
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#3 'asd']
03:17:37 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#4 'asdf']

Current Behavior

Screenshot_2024-06-01_03-16-47 Screenshot_2024-06-01_03-16-30 Screenshot_2024-06-01_03-16-06

Expected Behavior

At the very least, I'd like to be able to read the output. Pipe dream would be to be able to pick the font myself, but baby steps man, baby steps.

Anything else?

No response

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 month ago

Why are you using qt5ct on a qt6 app?

bepstein111 commented 1 month ago

Why are you using qt5ct on a qt6 app?

Good question, good question...not on purpose, I assure you. Updating it to qt6ct doesn't seem to fix anything though. Is there something else that $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME should be set to?

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 month ago

Depends. The transition to qt6 was way to early. QGnomeplatform may be an options if you use gnome. On kde plasma 6 sets the theme. On plasma 5 your out of luck. Qt5ct qt6ct is your best bet. Is the font you see the font you configured in Qtct?

bepstein111 commented 1 month ago

Nope, the one set in qt6ct is the default system font, I don't even know the name of this one, though I don't doubt I have it installed.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 month ago

Have you tried running it without qt5ct?

bepstein111 commented 1 month ago

Have you tried running it without qt5ct?

Other than uninstalling (via apt) and setting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME to qt6ct, is there something else I need to do to run it without qt5ct?

ManuelSchneid3r commented 4 weeks ago

actually its fine to run it with qtct if you know how to use it. which font have you configured usint qtct?