albertlauncher / albert

A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
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Applications plugin not working after update #1412

Open afermar opened 2 weeks ago

afermar commented 2 weeks ago

Package source


App logs

19:53:34 [debg:albert] 18 ms spent instanciating plugin 'files'
19:53:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'chromium'
19:53:34 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent instanciating plugin 'chromium'
19:53:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'applications'
19:53:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'applications'
19:53:34 [info:albert.chromium] Indexed 175 bookmarks [0 ms]

Current Behavior

Applications plugin is enabled in config but does not work. Yet, if I disable and enable it again in settings it starts working properly.

Expected Behavior

App plugin should work on albert start if enabled in settings.

Anything else?

No response

ManuelSchneid3r commented 2 weeks ago

I always need QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert*=true' albert to get full information. Otherwise id have to ask dozens of questions. I tested it on Manjaro, but i cant reproduce.

CaseOf commented 2 weeks ago

I have this issue too, the plugin is not working until I do change checkboxes in settings. Just enabling/disabling and going back to original settings is enough. Is it the same for you?

ManuelSchneid3r commented 2 weeks ago

I have this issue too, the plugin is not working until I do change checkboxes in settings.

What do you mean by that exactly? Has it been disabled and you had to enable it?

I merged the applications_mac and application_xdg plugin to applications. Therefore the id changed and the settings section as well.

CaseOf commented 2 weeks ago

I’m talking about these checkboxes: The extension remain enabled in settings between albert instances, but it is not functonnal after starting instance until I touch these checkboxes

ManuelSchneid3r commented 2 weeks ago

I added some porting code that moves the settings from the old sections to the new sections. let me know if this works out for you

Flakebi commented 2 weeks ago

I think I have the same problem. It seems like indexing apps after albert starts is not working properly. Only after changing a setting, apps get re-indexed and can be found through albert.

Debug log of

  1. Searching for firefox without getting results
  2. Toggling an application setting off and on again
  3. Searching for firefox, now getting results
Log (Some environment parts are redacted) ``` $ QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert*=true' albert --platform xcb 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Albert version: 0.24.2 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Build date: Jan 1 1980 00:00:00 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Qt version: 6.7.2 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Build architecture: x86_64 00:26:19 [debg:albert] CPU architecture: x86_64 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Kernel type: linux 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Kernel version: 6.9.6 00:26:19 [debg:albert] OS: NixOS 24.11 (Vicuna) 00:26:19 [debg:albert] OS type: nixos 00:26:19 [debg:albert] OS version: 24.11 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Platform name: xcb 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Style name: kvantum 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Available styles: kvantum-dark, kvantum, qt5ct-style, qt6ct-style, Windows, Fusion 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Icon theme: Numix-Circle 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Font: Ubuntu Nerd Font,12,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Language: English 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Locale: en_US 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Binary location: /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/bin/.albert-wrapped 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Working dir: /home/sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Arguments: albert 00:26:19 [debg:albert] ENVIRONMENT: 00:26:19 [debg:albert] DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus 00:26:19 [debg:albert] DE: gnome3 00:26:19 [debg:albert] DISPLAY: :0 00:26:19 [debg:albert] GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE: /nix/store/wjk0d9q40gkv8s49gsl7bgn20prw7fwf-gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache 00:26:19 [debg:albert] GIO_EXTRA_MODULES: /nix/store/q5ing1b7dc1mkcnlbb53yqpsj115drss-gvfs-1.54.1/lib/gio/modules:/nix/store/46cgzg2dq0qk3x4w59anz7c54sschn7v-dconf-0.40.0-lib/lib/gio/modules 00:26:19 [debg:albert] HOME: /home/sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] KDE_SESSION_VERSION: 5 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LANG: en_US.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_ADDRESS: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_MEASUREMENT: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_MONETARY: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_PAPER: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_TELEPHONE: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LC_TIME: de_DE.UTF-8 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LOCALE_ARCHIVE: /run/current-system/sw/lib/locale/locale-archive 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LOCALE_ARCHIVE_2_27: /nix/store/hcrjkp2wgaqp9av7nx8an3s4plxdrz17-glibc-locales-2.39-52/lib/locale/locale-archive 00:26:19 [debg:albert] LOGNAME: sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE: OFF 00:26:19 [debg:albert] NIXPKGS_QT6_QML_IMPORT_PATH: /nix/store/65fa6lqpfysra48h1sm135469199p7ip-qt5compat-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/qml:/nix/store/81dbgh3fycv57da9mh9xsz52pa52fgjw-qtwayland-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/qml:/nix/store/8i36hxjgr61yg8cva5ga3082cgwap8jy-qtscxml-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/qml:/nix/store/d3xlrk3cbibpynylxgxkrpw864krqyv8-qtdeclarative-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/qml 00:26:19 [debg:albert] NIX_PROFILES: /run/current-system/sw /nix/var/nix/profiles/default /etc/profiles/per-user/sebi /home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile /nix/profile /home/sebi/.nix-profile /var/lib/flatpak/exports /home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports 00:26:19 [debg:albert] NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] NIX_XDG_DESKTOP_PORTAL_DIR: /run/current-system/sw/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals 00:26:19 [debg:albert] NO_AT_BRIDGE: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] PATH: /run/wrappers/bin:/home/sebi/.cargo/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/home/sebi/.cargo/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/profile/bin:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/bin:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/profile/bin:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/bin:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/nix/store/l46fjkzva0bhvy9p2r7p4vi68kr7a1db-binutils-wrapper-2.41/bin:/nix/store/waw7qn0gfhk1d71xcbmmcvmlg0q7gxgy-pciutils-3.12.0/bin:/nix/store/x2g0b5qsk2yfz74dnlm068rfar0fihxs-pkgconf-wrapper-2.2.0/bin:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/profile/bin:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/bin:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/run/current-system/sw/bin 00:26:19 [debg:albert] PWD: /home/sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QML2_IMPORT_PATH: /home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-6/qml:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-6/qml:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/lib/qt-6/qml:/nix/profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/nix/profile/lib/qt-6/qml:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/lib/qt-6/qml:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/lib/qt-6/qml:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/qt-6/qml:/run/current-system/sw/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml:/run/current-system/sw/lib/qt-6/qml 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH: /home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/nix/profile/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/mozilla/plugins/:/run/current-system/sw/lib/mozilla/plugins/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QT_LOGGING_RULES: albert*=true 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QT_PLUGIN_PATH: /nix/store/1y4zkzydin44y42bg87jjddw6xfv76wj-qttools-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/store/81dbgh3fycv57da9mh9xsz52pa52fgjw-qtwayland-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/store/0ba7m6d8gxriqrcd3dmn77vr6rbxxqpv-qtsvg-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/store/8i36hxjgr61yg8cva5ga3082cgwap8jy-qtscxml-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/store/d3xlrk3cbibpynylxgxkrpw864krqyv8-qtdeclarative-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/store/4qrmlniaj7x49sl6i1w4c2sjjdx00ghh-qtbase-6.7.2/lib/qt-6/plugins:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-6/plugins:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/lib/qt-6/plugins:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/nix/profile/lib/qt-6/plugins:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/lib/qt-6/plugins:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/lib/qt-6/plugins:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/qt-6/plugins:/run/current-system/sw/lib/qt-5.15.14/plugins:/run/current-system/sw/lib/qt-6/plugins 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME: qt5ct 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: kvantum 00:26:19 [debg:albert] QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SDL_VIDEODRIVER: wayland 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS: 0 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SHELL: /run/current-system/sw/bin/fish 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SHLVL: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SSH_ASKPASS: 00:26:19 [debg:albert] SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /run/user/1000/ssh-agent 00:26:19 [debg:albert] STEAM_FRAME_FORCE_CLOSE: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] TMUX_TMPDIR: /run/user/1000 00:26:19 [debg:albert] TZDIR: /etc/zoneinfo 00:26:19 [debg:albert] USER: sebi 00:26:19 [debg:albert] WAYLAND_DISPLAY: wayland-1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] WINDOWID: 94654161259472 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XCURSOR_PATH: /home/sebi/.icons:/home/sebi/.local/share/icons:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/share/icons:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/share/pixmaps:/nix/profile/share/icons:/nix/profile/share/pixmaps:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/share/icons:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/share/pixmaps:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/icons:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/pixmaps:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/icons:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/pixmaps:/run/current-system/sw/share/icons:/run/current-system/sw/share/pixmaps 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XCURSOR_SIZE: 24 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XCURSOR_THEME: Vanilla-DMZ-AA 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_BACKEND: wayland 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /etc/xdg:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/etc/xdg:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/etc/xdg:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/etc/xdg:/nix/profile/etc/xdg:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/etc/xdg:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/etc/xdg:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/xdg:/run/current-system/sw/etc/xdg 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: Hyprland 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_DATA_DIRS: /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share:/nix/store/a5dsdyj3412g9kanj0qny6y77w0kk3c6-desktops/share:/home/sebi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/home/sebi/.nix-profile/share:/nix/profile/share:/home/sebi/.local/state/nix/profile/share:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share:/run/current-system/sw/share 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: /run/user/1000 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_SEAT: seat0 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_ID: 3 00:26:19 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_TYPE: wayland 00:26:19 [debg:albert] _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Djdk.gtk.version=3 00:26:19 [debg:albert] __ETC_PROFILE_DONE: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] __HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] __NIXOS_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] __fish_nixos_env_preinit_sourced: 1 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Checking for a running instance… 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Creating local server /home/sebi/.cache/albert/ipc_socket 00:26:19 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/lib/albert/ 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Connecting to database… 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Initializing database… 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Updating usage scores… 00:26:19 [debg:albert] Try loading the configured frontend 'widgetsboxmodel'. 00:26:19 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'timezones' 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'timezones' 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'system' 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'system' 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'ssh' 00:26:19 [info:albert.ssh] Found 15 ssh hosts. 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'ssh' 00:26:19 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'python' 00:26:19 [debg:albert.python] Python version: 3.11.9 (main, Apr 2 2024, 08:25:04) [GCC 13.3.0] 00:26:19 [debg:albert.python] Python path: QList(, /nix/store/lqq9yr1adhfcac330xkfcbmh2rmalarg-python3-3.11.9-env/lib/, /nix/store/lqq9yr1adhfcac330xkfcbmh2rmalarg-python3-3.11.9-env/lib/python3.11, /nix/store/lqq9yr1adhfcac330xkfcbmh2rmalarg-python3-3.11.9-env/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload, /nix/store/lqq9yr1adhfcac330xkfcbmh2rmalarg-python3-3.11.9-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages) 00:26:19 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /home/sebi/.local/share/albert/python/plugins 00:26:19 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /home/sebi/.local/share/albert/python/plugins/albert.pyi 00:26:19 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/arch_wiki 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/aur 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/bitwarden 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/coingecko 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/color 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/ 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/copyq 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/dice_roll 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/docker 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/duckduckgo 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/emoji 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/goldendict 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/inhibit_sleep 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/jetbrains_projects 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/kill 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/locate 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/pacman 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/pass 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/pomodoro 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/python_eval 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/ 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/syncthing 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/translators 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/virtualbox 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/vpn 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/wikipedia 00:26:20 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/albert/python/plugins/zeal 00:26:20 [info:albert.python] [11 ms] Python plugin scan 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 17 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent loading plugin 'python.python_eval' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.python_eval' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 14 ms spent loading plugin 'python.emoji' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.emoji' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'python.color' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.color' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'mpris' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'mpris' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'datetime' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'datetime' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'applications' 00:26:20 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'applications' 00:26:22 [debg:albert] Received message: show 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' albert 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' applications 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' datetime 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' mpris 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' python.color 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' python.emoji 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' ssh 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' system 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 GLOBAL '' 00:26:22 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #0 '' '' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' datetime 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' system 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' python.emoji 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' albert 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' python.color 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #1 'f' ssh 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' applications 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' mpris 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #1 GLOBAL 'f' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #1 '' 'f' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' datetime 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' applications 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' system 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' python.emoji 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' albert 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' ssh 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' python.color 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' mpris 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 GLOBAL 'fi' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #2 '' 'fi' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' datetime 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' applications 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' system 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' python.emoji 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' python.color 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' albert 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' ssh 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' mpris 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 GLOBAL 'fir' 00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #3 '' 'fir' 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' applications 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' mpris 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' python.color 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' python.emoji 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' datetime 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' system 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' ssh 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 '' albert 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 GLOBAL '' 00:26:26 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #4 '' '' 00:26:27 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#0 ''] 00:26:27 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#1 'f'] 00:26:27 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#2 'fi'] 00:26:27 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#3 'fir'] 00:26:27 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#4 ''] 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/albert.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/applications/albert.desktop' 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/firefox.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/firefox.desktop' 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop' 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/sebi/.local/share/applications/_nix_store_xggm5v5ks1scsi36j6c98l58rdbb2xww-dbeaver-22.2.0_dbeaver_.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/code-url-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gammastep.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gnome-disk-image-mounter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gnome-disk-image-writer.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gnome-system-monitor-kde.desktop': Desktop entry excluded by 'OnlyShowIn'. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/nautilus-autorun-software.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.Evince-previewer.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.OAuth2-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/umpv.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/sebi/.local/share/applications/vsls-launcher.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/xsltfilter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:31 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 404 apps [26 ms] 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/albert.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/nix/store/g5m397hljd8xns07br83ps31kssqr1dx-albert-0.24.2/share/applications/albert.desktop' 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/firefox.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/firefox.desktop' 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop' 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/sebi/.local/share/applications/_nix_store_xggm5v5ks1scsi36j6c98l58rdbb2xww-dbeaver-22.2.0_dbeaver_.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/code-url-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gammastep.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gnome-disk-image-mounter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/gnome-disk-image-writer.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/nautilus-autorun-software.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.Evince-previewer.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/org.gnome.evolution-data-server.OAuth2-handler.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/umpv.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/sebi/.local/share/applications/vsls-launcher.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/xsltfilter.desktop': Key 'NoDisplay' set. 00:26:33 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 414 apps [6 ms] 00:26:36 [debg:albert] Received message: show 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' albert 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' mpris 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' applications 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' datetime 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' python.color 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' python.emoji 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' ssh 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' system 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 GLOBAL '' 00:26:36 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #5 '' '' 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' datetime 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' system 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #6 'f' ssh 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 15│ #6 'f' applications 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' python.color 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' python.emoji 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' albert 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'f' mpris 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 16│ #6 GLOBAL 'f' 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #6 '' 'f' 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' datetime 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 7│ #7 'fi' applications 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' albert 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' python.emoji 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' system 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' python.color 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' ssh 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'fi' mpris 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 7│ #7 GLOBAL 'fi' 00:26:39 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #7 '' 'fi' 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' datetime 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #8 'fir' applications 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' ssh 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' system 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' python.emoji 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' albert 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' python.color 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'fir' mpris 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #8 GLOBAL 'fir' 00:26:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #8 '' 'fir' 00:26:41 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#5 ''] 00:26:41 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#6 'f'] 00:26:41 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#7 'fi'] 00:26:41 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#8 'fir'] 00:26:43 [debg:albert] Received message: show 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' datetime 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' ssh 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' python.color 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' system 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' albert 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #9 'fir' applications 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' python.emoji 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'fir' mpris 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #9 GLOBAL 'fir' 00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #9 '' 'fir' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#9 'fir'] 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent unloading plugin 'applications' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'datetime' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'mpris' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.color' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.emoji' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.python_eval' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 3 ms spent unloading plugin 'python' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'ssh' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'system' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'timezones' 00:26:45 [debg:albert] Closing local RPC server. 00:26:45 [info:albert] Bye. ```
ManuelSchneid3r commented 2 weeks ago

This log is weird. Does it display Firefox? Because the item count of the applications query is 1. Also

00:26:31 [debg:albert.apps] Desktop file '/run/current-system/sw/share/applications/firefox.desktop' will be skipped: Shadowed by '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/firefox.desktop'

Is weird because there's no line for '/etc/profiles/per-user/sebi/share/applications/firefox.desktop'

Flakebi commented 2 weeks ago

After toggling an option off and on, firefox is displayed:

00:26:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     1│ #9 'fir' applications

Before toggling, just after starting albert, firefox is not found:

00:26:25 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │     0 ms│     0 ms│     0│ #3 'fir' applications

I assume this is because applications are not indexed when starting albert, but they are (re-)indexed when changing options.

lcrippa commented 2 weeks ago

I had the same issue. In my case, it seems to have been resolved by removing the albert config file (which in my case is $HOME/.config/albert/config)

xsak commented 2 weeks ago

Same problem here. I have removed the config, and setup everything again but the problem is still here. If I tackle with the configuration the applications reappear. After restart applications are gone. It's a Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3 (based on Ubuntu 22.04).

ManuelSchneid3r commented 2 weeks ago

Okay guys I am confused. We first have to define "the problem". What exactly means "not working"?

xsak commented 2 weeks ago

In my case:

  1. Starting Albert. Console output:
    xsak@sinister $ albert
    23:59:14 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert
    23:59:14 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space
    23:59:14 [info:albert.ssh] Found 40 ssh hosts.
    23:59:14 [info:albert.python] [28 ms] Python plugin scan
    23:59:14 [info:albert.chromium] Indexed 655 bookmarks [4 ms]
  2. Open search field with hotkey
  3. Search for i.e. Firefox, but no results...
  4. Now going to Albert Settings -> Plugins tab -> Applications -> I turn off any settings there, for example: "Use exec for lookup", then the log says:
    00:02:23 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 1321 apps [167 ms]
  5. Then I turn back on the "Use exec for lookup" settings and the log says:
    00:02:29 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 1477 apps [69 ms]
  6. Searching for i.e. firefox gives result as earlier versions did.
CaseOf commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm @xsak diagnostic

afermar commented 1 week ago

I had the same issue. In my case, it seems to have been resolved by removing the albert config file (which in my case is $HOME/.config/albert/config)

This worked for me. Thanks @lcrippa.

CaseOf commented 1 week ago

#1412 (comment)

I had the same issue. In my case, it seems to have been resolved by removing the albert config file (which in my case is $HOME/.config/albert/config)

This worked for me. Thanks @lcrippa.

I did try to clean both $HOME/.config/albert and $HOME/.local/share/albert and I’m still facing the issue

eljamm commented 1 week ago

@CaseOf Can you post the output of QT_LOGGING_RULES='albert*=true' albert here? The more information we have, the faster we can solve the issue :wink:

xsak commented 1 week ago

Here is my QT_LOGGING... log albert-debug.txt

CaseOf commented 1 week ago
my albert log as requested (click to expand) ``` 00:12:34 [warn:default] Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Albert version: 0.24.3 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Build date: Jul 12 2024 23:35:41 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Qt version: 6.7.2 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Build architecture: x86_64 00:12:34 [debg:albert] CPU architecture: x86_64 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Kernel type: linux 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Kernel version: 6.6.38-gentoo-x86_64 00:12:34 [debg:albert] OS: Gentoo Linux 00:12:34 [debg:albert] OS type: gentoo 00:12:34 [debg:albert] OS version: 2.15 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Platform name: xcb 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Style name: qt6ct-style 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Available styles: kvantum-dark, kvantum, qt5gtk2, qt6gtk2, gtk2, qt5ct-style, qt6ct-style, Windows, Fusion 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Icon theme: hicolor 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Font: Liberation Sans,12,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Language: C 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Locale: C 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Binary location: /usr/bin/albert 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Working dir: /home/quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Arguments: albert 00:12:34 [debg:albert] ENVIRONMENT: 00:12:34 [debg:albert] COLORTERM: truecolor 00:12:34 [debg:albert] CONFIG_PROTECT: /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt /usr/share/config /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/sofficerc 00:12:34 [debg:albert] CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK: /etc/sandbox.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/terminfo /etc/dconf /etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/revdep-rebuild 00:12:34 [debg:albert] DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: unix:path=/tmp/dbus-YQLlyt9VER,guid=cd4ce5b654616eed4313bd9d6696afd0 00:12:34 [debg:albert] DISPLAY: :0.0 00:12:34 [debg:albert] EDITOR: /bin/nano 00:12:34 [debg:albert] GCC_SPECS: 00:12:34 [debg:albert] GPG_TTY: /dev/pts/0 00:12:34 [debg:albert] GSETTINGS_BACKEND: dconf 00:12:34 [debg:albert] GTK_IM_MODULE: xim 00:12:34 [debg:albert] HOME: /home/quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] HUSHLOGIN: FALSE 00:12:34 [debg:albert] INFOPATH: /usr/share/gcc-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/info:/usr/share/binutils-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/2.42/info:/usr/share/autoconf-2.71/info:/usr/share/autoconf-2.13/info:/usr/share/automake-1.16.5/info:/usr/share/info 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LADSPA_PATH: /usr/lib64/ladspa 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LANG: C 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LESS: -R -M --shift 5 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LESSCOLOR: no 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LESSOPEN: |lesspipe %s 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LEX: flex 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LIBAACS_PATH: /usr/lib64/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LIBBDPLUS_PATH: /usr/lib64/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LOGNAME: quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LS_COLORS: rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.7z=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.apk=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.crate=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.drpm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.egg=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.pyz=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.tar=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.udeb=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.whl=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.cfg=00;32:*.conf=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.ini=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.crdownload=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-new=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.dpkg-tmp=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90: 00:12:34 [debg:albert] LV2_PATH: /usr/lib64/lv2 00:12:34 [debg:albert] MAIL: /var/mail/quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] MANPAGER: manpager 00:12:34 [debg:albert] MANPATH: /usr/share/gcc-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/man:/usr/share/binutils-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/2.42/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/lib/rust/man:/usr/lib/llvm/17/share/man 00:12:34 [debg:albert] MOTD_SHOWN: pam 00:12:34 [debg:albert] MOZ_GMP_PATH: /usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/gmp-gmpopenh264/system-installed 00:12:34 [debg:albert] PAGER: /usr/bin/less 00:12:34 [debg:albert] PANEL_GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS: 0 00:12:34 [debg:albert] PATH: /home/quentin/.local/bin:/home/quentin/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] PWD: /home/quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] QT_LOGGING_RULES: albert*=true 00:12:34 [debg:albert] QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME: qt5ct 00:12:34 [debg:albert] SESSION_MANAGER: local/ryzen_quentin:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2419,unix/ryzen_quentin:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2419 00:12:34 [debg:albert] SHELL: /bin/bash 00:12:34 [debg:albert] SHLVL: 3 00:12:34 [debg:albert] SSH_AGENT_PID: 2456 00:12:34 [debg:albert] SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh-XXXXXXdRobna/agent.2455 00:12:34 [debg:albert] TERM: xterm-256color 00:12:34 [debg:albert] USER: quentin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_HOOK_DIR: /home/quentin/.venv 00:12:34 [debg:albert] VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PROJECT_FILENAME: .project 00:12:34 [debg:albert] VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_SCRIPT: /usr/bin/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_WORKON_CD: 1 00:12:34 [debg:albert] VTE_VERSION: 7402 00:12:34 [debg:albert] WINDOWID: 96468995 00:12:34 [debg:albert] WINDOWPATH: 7 00:12:34 [debg:albert] WORKON_HOME: /home/quentin/.venv 00:12:34 [debg:albert] XAUTHORITY: /home/quentin/.Xauthority 00:12:34 [debg:albert] XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /etc/xdg 00:12:34 [debg:albert] XDG_DATA_DIRS: /usr/local/share:/usr/share 00:12:34 [debg:albert] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: /var/run/user/1000 00:12:34 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_COOKIE: ryzen_quentin-1721151440.110728-1644267044 00:12:34 [debg:albert] _: /usr/bin/albert 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Checking for a running instance… 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Creating local server /home/quentin/.cache/albert/ipc_socket 00:12:34 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib64/albert 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib64/albert/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Connecting to database… 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Initializing database… 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Updating usage scores… 00:12:34 [debg:albert] Try loading the configured frontend 'widgetsboxmodel'. 00:12:34 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'system' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'system' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'ssh' 00:12:34 [info:albert.ssh] Found 18 ssh hosts. 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'ssh' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'snippets' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'snippets' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 2 ms spent loading plugin 'python' 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Python version: 3.12.3 (main, Jun 8 2024, 22:39:12) [GCC 13.2.1 20240210] 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Python path: QList(, /usr/lib/, /usr/lib/python3.12, /usr/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload, /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages) 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /home/quentin/.local/share/albert/python/plugins 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /home/quentin/.local/share/albert/python/plugins/albert.pyi 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /usr/share/albert/python/plugins 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/arch_wiki 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/aur 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/bitwarden 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/coingecko 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/color 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/copyq 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/dice_roll 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/docker 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/duckduckgo 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/emoji 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/goldendict 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/inhibit_sleep 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/jetbrains_projects 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/kill 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/locate 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pacman 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pass 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pomodoro 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/python_eval 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/ 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/syncthing 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/translators 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/virtualbox 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/vpn 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/wikipedia 00:12:34 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/zeal 00:12:34 [info:albert.python] [32 ms] Python plugin scan 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 40 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 32 ms spent loading plugin 'python.emoji' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.emoji' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 2 ms spent loading plugin 'python.copyq' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.copyq' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'python.color' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.color' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'path' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'path' 00:12:34 [debg:albert.terminal] Indexing /home/quentin/.local/bin, /home/quentin/.local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /bin, /opt/bin, /usr/lib/llvm/17/bin 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'mpris' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'mpris' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'hash' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'hash' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'datetime' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'datetime' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent loading plugin 'calculator_qalculate' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 32 ms spent instanciating plugin 'calculator_qalculate' 00:12:34 [info:albert.terminal] Indexed 3107 executables [12 ms] 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'applications' 00:12:34 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'applications' 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' albert 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' python.emoji 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' calculator_qalculate 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' datetime 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' hash 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' mpris 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' pluginregistry 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' snippets 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' ssh 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' python.color 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' applications 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' system 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' triggers 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 GLOBAL '' 00:12:40 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #0 '' '' 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' datetime 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' mpris 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' hash 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' system 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #1 'f' ssh 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' snippets 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' applications 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' python.color 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #1 'f' pluginregistry 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' albert 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' python.emoji 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' triggers 00:12:42 [debg:albert.qalculate] "f" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 'f' calculator_qalculate 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #1 GLOBAL 'f' 00:12:42 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 2│ #1 '' 'f' 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' datetime 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' mpris 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' applications 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #2 'fi' pluginregistry 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' ssh 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' snippets 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' system 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' hash 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' python.emoji 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' python.color 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' albert 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' triggers 00:12:43 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fi" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'fi' calculator_qalculate 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #2 GLOBAL 'fi' 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 1│ #2 '' 'fi' 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' datetime 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' ssh 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' triggers 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' snippets 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' system 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' hash 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' pluginregistry 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' mpris 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' albert 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' applications 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' python.color 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' python.emoji 00:12:43 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 'fir' calculator_qalculate 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 GLOBAL 'fir' 00:12:43 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #3 '' 'fir' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' mpris 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' datetime 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' pluginregistry 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' snippets 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' ssh 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' hash 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' system 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' applications 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' albert 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' triggers 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' python.color 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' python.emoji 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fire" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'fire' calculator_qalculate 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 GLOBAL 'fire' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #4 '' 'fire' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' datetime 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' applications 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' mpris 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' pluginregistry 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' hash 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' snippets 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' ssh 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' system 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' albert 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' python.color 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' python.emoji 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' triggers 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "f" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 'firef' calculator_qalculate 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 GLOBAL 'firef' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #5 '' 'firef' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' applications 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' mpris 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' datetime 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' python.color 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' ssh 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' snippets 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' system 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' hash 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' python.emoji 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' albert 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' triggers 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' pluginregistry 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fo" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'firefo' calculator_qalculate 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 GLOBAL 'firefo' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #6 '' 'firefo' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' datetime 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' mpris 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' applications 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' pluginregistry 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' ssh 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' snippets 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' system 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' hash 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' python.emoji 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' albert 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' triggers 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' python.color 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fox" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'firefox' calculator_qalculate 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 GLOBAL 'firefox' 00:12:44 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #7 '' 'firefox' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fo" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 'firefo' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #8 GLOBAL 'firefo' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #8 '' 'firefo' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 'firef' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #9 GLOBAL 'firef' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #9 '' 'firef' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "f" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fire" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 18 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 'fire' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 18 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #10 GLOBAL 'fire' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 18 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #10 '' 'fire' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #12 'fi' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' mpris 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #13 'f' ssh 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' datetime 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #13 'f' pluginregistry 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' snippets 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' hash 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' applications 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' system 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' albert 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' python.color 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' python.emoji 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' triggers 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 'fir' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #11 GLOBAL 'fir' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #11 '' 'fir' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 28 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #12 'fi' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 28 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #12 GLOBAL 'fi' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 28 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #12 '' 'fi' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fir" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "fi" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.qalculate] "f" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 36 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #13 'f' calculator_qalculate 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 36 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #13 GLOBAL 'f' 00:12:51 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 36 ms│ TRIGGER | 2│ #13 '' 'f' 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' albert 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' calculator_qalculate 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' hash 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' datetime 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' mpris 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' python.emoji 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' pluginregistry 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' python.color 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' triggers 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' system 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' snippets 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' ssh 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 '' applications 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #14 GLOBAL '' 00:12:52 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #14 '' '' 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#0 ''] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#1 'f'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#2 'fi'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#3 'fir'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#4 'fire'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#5 'firef'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#6 'firefo'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#7 'firefox'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#8 'firefo'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#9 'firef'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#10 'fire'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#11 'fir'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#12 'fi'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#13 'f'] 00:12:56 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#14 ''] ```
eljamm commented 1 week ago

Thank you both. I was trying to reproduce this with a minimal set of plugins when I discovered that the python.emoji plugin didn't work for me, but then I deleted the cache and it started working again.

Perhaps clearing the cache will also solve this issue? (moving it is better than deleting it so we can revert)

mv $HOME/.cache/albert $HOME/.cache/albert.bak

If that doesn't work, can you confirm that this behavior persists with only the applications plugin enabled?

CaseOf commented 1 week ago

Thank you both. I was trying to reproduce this with a minimal set of plugins when I discovered that the python.emoji plugin didn't work for me, but then I deleted the cache and it started working again.

Perhaps clearing the cache will also solve this issue? (moving it is better than deleting it so we can revert)

mv $HOME/.cache/albert $HOME/.cache/albert.bak

If that doesn't work, can you confirm that this behavior persists with only the applications plugin enabled?

I did try, not better

cr1cr1 commented 1 week ago

Issue: applications not displayed Albert version: 0.24.3

Unchecking and checking again "Use *" settings for the Applications plugin fixed the issue.

Did not want to delete the config (yet).

In my case, the options used were:


Tried but did not fix: removing ~/.cache/albert and ~/.local/share/albert, and restarting the process.

eljamm commented 1 week ago

I've successfully determined the source of the issue (hopefully) 🥳

Screenshot from 2024-07-17 09-11-24-2

With the Query -> Applications -> Fuzzy Matching box enabled, I could reproduce the same behavior described by @xsak in Immediately after unticking it, the normal functionality is restored.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Tick the Query -> Applications -> Fuzzy Matching box
  2. Restart albert
  3. Fail to search for applications (not indexed)
  4. Toggle one of the applications settings (becomes indexed)
  5. Successfully search for applications

Potential solution/workaround

  1. Untick the Query -> Applications -> Fuzzy Matching box (becomes indexed)
  2. Can search for applications again (even after restart)
ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

@eljamm indeed I can reproduce it having fuzzy enabled! it affects all indexqueryhandlers.