albertlauncher / albert

A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
7.24k stars 304 forks source link

[applications] Segmentation fault #1458

Closed kescherCode closed 6 days ago

kescherCode commented 1 week ago

Package source

Both OBS (Arch) and AUR (clean rebuild) packages exhibit this issue.

App logs

See "Anything else".

Current Behavior

Albert crashes after loading the applications plugin, regardless of whether or not there are entries in ~/.local/share/applications.

Expected Behavior

Albert should not crash after loading the applications plugin.

Anything else?

NyxErinys commented 1 week ago

I don't have all the debug flags turned on but wanted to add mine in here as well log.txt I just built this for the first time on this machine using yay (AUR) and it had the issue

cquasar commented 1 week ago


andro404-MC commented 1 week ago

Having the same issue here, my guess this happened because of the qt packages update and yes I tried recompiling still no luck

cquasar commented 1 week ago

Having the same issue here, my guess this happened because of the qt packages update and yes I tried recompiling still no luck

I purged it from my system, compiled it from scratch, same problem

the Applications plugin crashes the whole thing, a launcher without being able to launch applications is intriguing by itself but in this case several plugins also depend on it.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

could anybody please check coredumpctl info?

cquasar commented 1 week ago

could anybody please check coredumpctl info?

       PID: 1780 (albert)
       UID: 1000 (cquasar)
       GID: 1000 (cquasar)
    Signal: 11 (SEGV)
 Timestamp: Tue 2024-10-15 10:46:44 -03 (1h 16min ago)

Command Line: /usr/bin/albert --platform xcb Executable: /usr/bin/albert Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-albert@autostart.service Unit: user@1000.service User Unit: app-albert@autostart.service Slice: user-1000.slice Owner UID: 1000 (cquasar) Boot ID: cfbbc8bd23574093bd30f98727406c3c Machine ID: 8c02ec55180e4a78bba7de768c9faede Hostname: cquasar-pc Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.albert.1000.cfbbc8bd23574093bd30f98727406c3c.1780.1729000004000000.zst (present) Size on Disk: 7M Message: Process 1780 (albert) of user 1000 dumped core.

            Stack trace of thread 2907:
            #0  0x0000794fc9d0f808 n/a ( + 0x10f808)
            #1  0x0000794fc9d1014d _ZN11QDirListing4nextENS_8DirEntryE ( + 0x11014d)
            #2  0x0000794fc9d102db _ZN12QDirIterator4nextEv ( + 0x1102db)
            #3  0x0000794f9b249ad4 n/a ( + 0x15ad4)
            #4  0x0000794f9b24c49e n/a ( + 0x1849e)
            #5  0x0000794f9b24071b n/a ( + 0xc71b)
            #6  0x0000794f9b240cbb n/a ( + 0xccbb)
            #7  0x0000794f9b248aac n/a ( + 0x14aac)
            #8  0x0000794fc9eed515 n/a ( + 0x2ed515)
            #9  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #10 0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #11 0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1780:
            #0  0x0000794fca8c2969 n/a ( + 0x4c2969)
            #1  0x0000794fca8c4173 n/a ( + 0x4c4173)
            #2  0x0000794fca8c474d n/a ( + 0x4c474d)
            #3  0x0000794fca8c749b _ZN19QTextDocumentLayout8doLayoutEiii ( + 0x4c749b)
            #4  0x0000794fca8c79b9 n/a ( + 0x4c79b9)
            #5  0x0000794fca8c8ec8 _ZN19QTextDocumentLayout15documentChangedEiii ( + 0x4c8ec8)
            #6  0x0000794fca8794b0 _ZN13QTextDocument12setTextWidthEd ( + 0x4794b0)
            #7  0x0000794fcb07bd97 n/a ( + 0x27bd97)
            #8  0x0000794fcb07c33e _ZNK6QLabel14heightForWidthEi ( + 0x27c33e)
            #9  0x0000794fcaf2d96d _ZNK11QWidgetItem14heightForWidthEi ( + 0x12d96d)
            #10 0x0000794fcaf2db1a _ZNK13QWidgetItemV214heightForWidthEi ( + 0x12db1a)
            #11 0x0000794fcaf0e417 _ZNK10QBoxLayout14heightForWidthEi ( + 0x10e417)
            #12 0x0000794fcaf2dc7b _ZNK7QLayout13totalSizeHintEv ( + 0x12dc7b)
            #13 0x0000794fcb0f7660 _ZN11QScrollArea9setWidgetEP7QWidget ( + 0x2f7660)
            #14 0x0000794fcbae87dc n/a ( + 0x507dc)
            #15 0x0000794fc9dbae55 n/a ( + 0x1bae55)
            #16 0x0000794fc9f82017 _ZN18QAbstractItemModel11dataChangedERK11QModelIndexS2_RK5QListIiE ( + 0x382017)
            #17 0x0000794fcbae1023 n/a ( + 0x49023)
            #18 0x0000794fc9dbae55 n/a ( + 0x1bae55)
            #19 0x0000794fcbad3bc9 n/a ( + 0x3bbc9)
            #20 0x0000794fcbad8942 n/a ( + 0x40942)
            #21 0x0000794fcbad90e0 n/a ( + 0x410e0)
            #22 0x0000794fcbae010d n/a ( + 0x4810d)
            #23 0x0000794fcb216b09 _ZN19QStyledItemDelegate11editorEventEP6QEventP18QAbstractItemModelRK20QStyleOptionViewItemRK11QModelIndex ( + 0x416b09)
            #24 0x0000794fcb1ec461 n/a ( + 0x3ec461)
            #25 0x0000794fcb1e5018 _ZN17QAbstractItemView4editERK11QModelIndexNS_11EditTriggerEP6QEvent ( + 0x3e5018)
            #26 0x0000794fcb1e3906 _ZN17QAbstractItemView17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent ( + 0x3e3906)
            #27 0x0000794fcb2248a4 _ZN9QListView17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent ( + 0x4248a4)
            #28 0x0000794fcaf4f431 _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent ( + 0x14f431)
            #29 0x0000794fcafe7984 _ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent ( + 0x1e7984)
            #30 0x0000794fc9d5bbe0 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate29sendThroughObjectEventFiltersEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x15bbe0)
            #31 0x0000794fcaefe117 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0xfe117)
            #32 0x0000794fcaf02653 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x102653)
            #33 0x0000794fc9d5e818 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x15e818)
            #34 0x0000794fcaef6324 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate14sendMouseEventEP7QWidgetP11QMouseEventS1_S1_PS1_R8QPointerIS0_Ebb ( + 0xf6324)
            #35 0x0000794fcaf67f03 n/a ( + 0x167f03)
            #36 0x0000794fcaefe127 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0xfe127)
            #37 0x0000794fc9d5e818 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x15e818)
            #38 0x0000794fca5908f5 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate17processMouseEventEPN29QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate10MouseEventE ( + 0x1908f5)
            #39 0x0000794fca605313 _ZN22QWindowSystemInterface22sendWindowSystemEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x205313)
            #40 0x0000794fc5c1365f n/a ( + 0x5265f)
            #41 0x0000794fc95cc91b n/a ( + 0x7591b)
            #42 0x0000794fc9658010 n/a ( + 0x101010)
            #43 0x0000794fc95cee45 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x77e45)
            #44 0x0000794fc9fd78ec _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3d78ec)
            #45 0x0000794fc9d69e95 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x169e95)
            #46 0x0000794fc9d5fb5b _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x15fb5b)
            #47 0x0000794fcbacb483 _ZN6albert3runEiPPc ( + 0x33483)
            #48 0x0000794fcb8c01ce n/a ( + 0x261ce)
            #49 0x0000794fcb8c028a __libc_start_main ( + 0x2628a)
            #50 0x000059b013161055 n/a (albert + 0x1055)

            Stack trace of thread 1817:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9ac27f __poll ( + 0x11227f)
            #1  0x0000794fc87df3b3 n/a ( + 0xd3b3)
            #2  0x0000794fc87e172d xcb_wait_for_event ( + 0xf72d)
            #3  0x0000794fc5c107a9 n/a ( + 0x4f7a9)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1851:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1814:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9ac7f6 ppoll ( + 0x1127f6)
            #1  0x0000794fc9657feb n/a ( + 0x100feb)
            #2  0x0000794fc95cee45 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x77e45)
            #3  0x0000794fc9fd78ec _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3d78ec)
            #4  0x0000794fc9d69e95 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x169e95)
            #5  0x0000794fc9e61982 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x261982)
            #6  0x0000794fcb5d5e3f n/a ( + 0x2de3f)
            #7  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #8  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #9  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1858:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1859:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1863:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2910:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2909:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2911:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2845:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9ac7f6 ppoll ( + 0x1127f6)
            #1  0x0000794fc9657feb n/a ( + 0x100feb)
            #2  0x0000794fc95d2bdf g_main_loop_run ( + 0x7bbdf)
            #3  0x0000794fc616f3dc n/a ( + 0x16f3dc)
            #4  0x0000794fc960f994 n/a ( + 0xb8994)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2913:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2912:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2916:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1856:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2915:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2844:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9ac7f6 ppoll ( + 0x1127f6)
            #1  0x0000794fc9657feb n/a ( + 0x100feb)
            #2  0x0000794fc95d1cb5 n/a ( + 0x7acb5)
            #3  0x0000794fc960f994 n/a ( + 0xb8994)
            #4  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #5  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 1861:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937216 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9d216)
            #2  0x0000794fb543c8ae n/a ( + 0x23c8ae)
            #3  0x0000794fb53ded1c n/a ( + 0x1ded1c)
            #4  0x0000794fb543c7dc n/a ( + 0x23c7dc)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2843:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9b715d syscall ( + 0x11d15d)
            #1  0x0000794fc9616429 n/a ( + 0xbf429)
            #2  0x0000794fc960f994 n/a ( + 0xb8994)
            #3  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #4  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2842:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9ac7f6 ppoll ( + 0x1127f6)
            #1  0x0000794fc9657feb n/a ( + 0x100feb)
            #2  0x0000794fc95cee45 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x77e45)
            #3  0x0000794fc9fd78ec _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3d78ec)
            #4  0x0000794fc9d69e95 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x169e95)
            #5  0x0000794fc9e61ae2 _ZN7QThread3runEv ( + 0x261ae2)
            #6  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #7  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #8  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)

            Stack trace of thread 2914:
            #0  0x0000794fcb9346af n/a ( + 0x9a6af)
            #1  0x0000794fcb937672 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x9d672)
            #2  0x0000794fc9eeb94f _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2eb94f)
            #3  0x0000794fc9eed2ea n/a ( + 0x2ed2ea)
            #4  0x0000794fc9ee67ca n/a ( + 0x2e67ca)
            #5  0x0000794fcb938386 n/a ( + 0x9e386)
            #6  0x0000794fcb9b9b0c n/a ( + 0x11fb0c)
            ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
eliliam commented 1 week ago

I am getting the same info, here's what I see when launching albert.

System Info: Arch Linux Kernel 6.6.56-1-lts Albert version 0.26.4

albert logs:

10:37:51 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
10:37:51 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/albert
10:37:51 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Meta+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O
10:37:51 [info:albert.python] Python version 3.12.6
[1]    53218 segmentation fault (core dumped)  albert

dmesg logs:

[ 3571.267590] show_signal_msg: 5 callbacks suppressed
[ 3571.267592] Thread (pooled)[53221]: segfault at 0 ip 00007c4d8c909924 sp 00007c4d874324c0 error 4 in[7c4d8c88e000+3b4000] likely on CPU 9 (core 11, socket 0)
[ 3571.267600] Code: be c0 f8 ff f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 c3 e9 d2 c0 f8 ff 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 ec 38 01 00 00 <48> 83 3f 00 64 48 8b 1c 25 28 00 00 00 48 89 5d c8 48 89 fb 0f 84

coredumpctl info:

           PID: 53218 (albert)
           UID: 1000 (eli)
           GID: 1000 (eli)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Tue 2024-10-15 10:37:51 CDT (3min 7s ago)
  Command Line: albert
    Executable: /usr/bin/albert
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/kitty-2153-1.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: kitty-2153-1.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (eli)
       Boot ID: e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a
    Machine ID: ed389a7d9eab4bd9b59b7fbf7714fe8e
      Hostname: eli-arco
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.albert.1000.e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a.53218.1729006671000000.zst (present)
  Size on Disk: 2.8M
       Message: Process 53218 (albert) of user 1000 dumped core.

                Stack trace of thread 53221:
                #0  0x00007c4d8c909924 n/a ( + 0x109924)
                #1  0x00007c4d8c90a275 _ZN11QDirListing4nextENS_8DirEntryE ( + 0x10a275)
                #2  0x00007c4d8c90a320 _ZN12QDirIterator4nextEv ( + 0x10a320)
                #3  0x00007c4d867dca4b n/a ( + 0x14a4b)
                #4  0x00007c4d867df35f n/a ( + 0x1735f)
                #5  0x00007c4d867d373c n/a ( + 0xb73c)
                #6  0x00007c4d867d3d07 n/a ( + 0xbd07)
                #7  0x00007c4d867dba8c n/a ( + 0x13a8c)
                #8  0x00007c4d8cadec15 n/a ( + 0x2dec15)
                #9  0x00007c4d8cad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #10 0x00007c4d8e31539d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #11 0x00007c4d8e39a49c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 53218:
                #0  0x00007c4d84fbb332 n/a ( + 0x1bb332)
                #1  0x00007c4d84f84ed2 PyObject_GetAttr ( + 0x184ed2)
                #2  0x00007c4d84f8c169 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault ( + 0x18c169)
                #3  0x00007c4d85049fe9 n/a ( + 0x249fe9)
                #4  0x00007c4d850561a2 PyObject_CallMethod ( + 0x2561a2)
                #5  0x00007c4d85046778 n/a ( + 0x246778)
                #6  0x00007c4d8503e6ee n/a ( + 0x23e6ee)
                #7  0x00007c4d8503def3 Py_InitializeFromConfig ( + 0x23def3)
                #8  0x00007c4d855eae42 n/a ( + 0x3ce42)
                #9  0x00007c4d855bd143 qt_plugin_instance ( + 0xf143)
                #10 0x00007c4d8cbbe8a3 n/a ( + 0x3be8a3)
                #11 0x00007c4d8e4a6b32 n/a ( + 0x34b32)
                #12 0x00007c4d8e4b2ecd n/a ( + 0x40ecd)
                #13 0x00007c4d8e4b7f2c n/a ( + 0x45f2c)
                #14 0x00007c4d8c9b2229 n/a ( + 0x1b2229)
                #15 0x00007c4d8e49a064 _ZN6albert17ExtensionRegistry5addedEPNS_9ExtensionE ( + 0x28064)
                #16 0x00007c4d8e4a97fd _ZN6albert17ExtensionRegistry17registerExtensionEPNS_9ExtensionE ( + 0x377fd)
                #17 0x00007c4d8e4a56e1 _ZN6albert3runEiPPc ( + 0x336e1)
                #18 0x00007c4d8e2a6e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                #19 0x00007c4d8e2a6ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                #20 0x00006048ccf35055 n/a (albert + 0x1055)

                Stack trace of thread 53224:
                #0  0x00007c4d8e311a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                #1  0x00007c4d8e3147e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                #2  0x00007c4d8cadcfc8 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2dcfc8)
                #3  0x00007c4d8cade9d5 n/a ( + 0x2de9d5)
                #4  0x00007c4d8cad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #5  0x00007c4d8e31539d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #6  0x00007c4d8e39a49c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 53219:
                #0  0x00007c4d8e38cbb0 ppoll ( + 0x10bbb0)
                #1  0x00007c4d8c1ee227 n/a ( + 0xc0227)
                #2  0x00007c4d8c18aa55 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5ca55)
                #3  0x00007c4d8cbbf71d _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3bf71d)
                #4  0x00007c4d8c964566 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x164566)
                #5  0x00007c4d8ca57072 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x257072)
                #6  0x00007c4d8dfbe79e n/a ( + 0x2e79e)
                #7  0x00007c4d8cad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #8  0x00007c4d8e31539d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #9  0x00007c4d8e39a49c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 53220:
                #0  0x00007c4d8e38c63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                #1  0x00007c4d8b26220b n/a ( + 0xd20b)
                #2  0x00007c4d8b263f3d xcb_wait_for_event ( + 0xef3d)
                #3  0x00007c4d889c9c39 n/a ( + 0x4fc39)
                #4  0x00007c4d8cad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #5  0x00007c4d8e31539d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #6  0x00007c4d8e39a49c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
vincenzopalazzo commented 1 week ago

I think I hit the same issue

➜  ~ albert
17:12:19 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
17:12:19 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/albert
17:12:19 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space
[1]    4047 segmentation fault (core dumped)  albert
➜  ~ albert --version
albert 0.26.4
henrikgit commented 1 week ago

Same here:

$ albert
18:46:56 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
18:46:56 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/albert
18:46:56 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
$ pacman -Q albert
albert 0.26.4-1
ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

Think I found the issue. I'll try to release a hotfix later.

eliliam commented 1 week ago

@ManuelSchneid3r I tried updating albert to test out the fix in Arch using the AUR package albert-git, but even after cleaning sources it's still failing with the following exerpt from the build logs:

-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Solarized Dark Magenta.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Solarized Dark Orange.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Solarized Dark Red.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Solarized Dark Violet.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Solarized Dark Yellow.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Spotlight Dark.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Spotlight.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Yosemite Dark.qss
-- Installing: /tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/widgetsboxmodel/themes/Yosemite.qss
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/makepkg/albert-git/pkg/albert-git/usr/share/albert/python/plugins/.archive': No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().
error: failed to build 'albert-git-0.20.14.r13.gee101532-1':
error: packages failed to build: albert-git-0.20.14.r13.gee101532-1

I had this same behavior before the fix was pushed as well, so I think this may be a separate issue, regardless though it is preventing us from upgrading to the new fixed version.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

i have not build it on linux yet. i just cherry picked commits from the dev branch and pushed it to test it in a vm. please be patient.

eliliam commented 1 week ago

No worries at all, just wanted to mention it!

eliliam commented 1 week ago

I just cloned the repo and built it from source(up until the final step which actually installs it, cmake --install build, I skipped this as I want to use the package from Pacman/AUR) and it built just fine, so I think the issue either is in the PKGBUILD file or in the install process that I skipped.

Edit: It looks like it still is failing to run though:

$ cmake --build build
[ 98%] Built target chromium
[ 98%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 98%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 99%] Built target python
[100%] Built target applications
$ cd build                                                                                                                                   
$ ./bin/albert                                                                                                                            
16:56:32 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
16:56:32 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /home/eli/Source/albert/lib, /usr/lib/albert
16:56:32 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Meta+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O
[1]    357948 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./bin/albert

Output from coredumpctl info:

           PID: 357948 (albert)
           UID: 1000 (eli)
           GID: 1000 (eli)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Tue 2024-10-15 16:56:32 CDT (3min 2s ago)
  Command Line: ./bin/albert
    Executable: /home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/tmux-spawn-4e772ec0-3c2e-4e48-b05e-57adbf44894a.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: tmux-spawn-4e772ec0-3c2e-4e48-b05e-57adbf44894a.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (eli)
       Boot ID: e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a
    Machine ID: ed389a7d9eab4bd9b59b7fbf7714fe8e
      Hostname: eli-arco
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.albert.1000.e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a.357948.1729029392000000.zst (present)
  Size on Disk: 2.8M
       Message: Process 357948 (albert) of user 1000 dumped core.

                Stack trace of thread 357952:
                #0  0x00007c926a909924 n/a ( + 0x109924)
                #1  0x00007c926a90a275 _ZN11QDirListing4nextENS_8DirEntryE ( + 0x10a275)
                #2  0x00007c926a90a320 _ZN12QDirIterator4nextEv ( + 0x10a320)
                #3  0x00007c9264abda4b n/a ( + 0x14a4b)
                #4  0x00007c9264ac035f n/a ( + 0x1735f)
                #5  0x00007c9264ab473c n/a ( + 0xb73c)
                #6  0x00007c9264ab4d07 n/a ( + 0xbd07)
                #7  0x00007c9264abca8c n/a ( + 0x13a8c)
                #8  0x00007c926aadec15 n/a ( + 0x2dec15)
                #9  0x00007c926aad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #10 0x00007c926c1b439d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #11 0x00007c926c23949c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 357955:
                #0  0x00007c926c9a201b n/a ( + 0xe01b)
                #1  0x00007c926c9a0006 n/a ( + 0xc006)
                #2  0x00007c926c995523 _dl_catch_exception ( + 0x1523)
                #3  0x00007c926c99f4a0 n/a ( + 0xb4a0)
                #4  0x00007c926c995523 _dl_catch_exception ( + 0x1523)
                #5  0x00007c926c99f904 n/a ( + 0xb904)
                #6  0x00007c926c1aff14 n/a ( + 0x8ff14)
                #7  0x00007c926c995523 _dl_catch_exception ( + 0x1523)
                #8  0x00007c926c995679 n/a ( + 0x1679)
                #9  0x00007c926c1af9f3 n/a ( + 0x8f9f3)
                #10 0x00007c926c1affcf dlopen ( + 0x8ffcf)
                #11 0x00007c926abbd304 n/a ( + 0x3bd304)
                #12 0x00007c926abbe6bf n/a ( + 0x3be6bf)
                #13 0x00007c926a9cb21d _ZN13QPluginLoader4loadEv ( + 0x1cb21d)
                #14 0x00007c926c8332bd n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x892bd)
                #15 0x00007c926c83436d n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a36d)
                #16 0x00007c926c8342ef n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a2ef)
                #17 0x00007c926c834242 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a242)
                #18 0x00007c926c834146 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a146)
                #19 0x00007c926c834346 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a346)
                #20 0x00007c926c8342ba n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a2ba)
                #21 0x00007c926c834188 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a188)
                #22 0x00007c926c8341c6 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a1c6)
                #23 0x00007c926c83420b n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8a20b)
                #24 0x00007c926c836350 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x8c350)
                #25 0x00007c926aadec15 n/a ( + 0x2dec15)
                #26 0x00007c926aad840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #27 0x00007c926c1b439d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #28 0x00007c926c23949c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 357948:
                #0  0x00007c926c22bbb0 ppoll ( + 0x10bbb0)
                #1  0x00007c9269f70227 n/a ( + 0xc0227)
                #2  0x00007c9269f0ca55 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5ca55)
                #3  0x00007c926abbf71d _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x3bf71d)
                #4  0x00007c926a964566 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x164566)
                #5  0x00007c926c833740 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x89740)
                #6  0x00007c926c85327e n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xa927e)
                #7  0x00007c926c85a072 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xb0072)
                #8  0x00007c926c861108 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xb7108)
                #9  0x00007c926c86a627 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc0627)
                #10 0x00007c926c86aa64 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc0a64)
                #11 0x00007c926c86a66c n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc066c)
                #12 0x00007c926c869fb1 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xbffb1)
                #13 0x00007c926c86960f n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xbf60f)
                #14 0x00007c926a9b2229 n/a ( + 0x1b2229)
                #15 0x00007c926c804710 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x5a710)
                #16 0x00007c926c8502ba n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xa62ba)
                #17 0x00007c926c80b273 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x61273)
                #18 0x00007c926c80e8f6 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x648f6)
                #19 0x00007c926c811098 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x67098)
                #20 0x00005b0241e22159 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert + 0x1159)
                #21 0x00007c926c145e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                #22 0x00007c926c145ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                #23 0x00005b0241e22065 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert + 0x1065)
                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
andro404-MC commented 1 week ago


That package is so out of date

ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

Closed this accidentially. @eliliam does the current main work?

eliliam commented 1 week ago

I checked out the latest main in the plugins directory before building and confirmed it had your latest commits, but it doesn't appear to have fixed anything.

$ ./build/bin/albert
18:37:09 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue.
18:37:09 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/albert
18:37:09 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Meta+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O
18:37:10 [info:albert.python] Python version 3.12.6
[1]    442317 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./build/bin/albert
$ coredumpctl info
           PID: 441254 (albert)
           UID: 1000 (eli)
           GID: 1000 (eli)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Tue 2024-10-15 18:35:45 CDT (6s ago)
  Command Line: ./build/bin/albert
    Executable: /home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/kitty-376672-8.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: kitty-376672-8.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (eli)
       Boot ID: e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a
    Machine ID: ed389a7d9eab4bd9b59b7fbf7714fe8e
      Hostname: eli-arco
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.albert.1000.e3c7b37425ce451eaf24c6d0bea95d7a.441254.1729035345000000.zst (present)
  Size on Disk: 2.8M
       Message: Process 441254 (albert) of user 1000 dumped core.

                Stack trace of thread 441257:
                #0  0x000077ca77509924 n/a ( + 0x109924)
                #1  0x000077ca7750a275 _ZN11QDirListing4nextENS_8DirEntryE ( + 0x10a275)
                #2  0x000077ca7750a320 _ZN12QDirIterator4nextEv ( + 0x10a320)
                #3  0x000077ca71693a4b n/a ( + 0x14a4b)
                #4  0x000077ca7169635f n/a ( + 0x1735f)
                #5  0x000077ca7168a73c n/a ( + 0xb73c)
                #6  0x000077ca7168ad07 n/a ( + 0xbd07)
                #7  0x000077ca71692a8c n/a ( + 0x13a8c)
                #8  0x000077ca776dec15 n/a ( + 0x2dec15)
                #9  0x000077ca776d840f n/a ( + 0x2d840f)
                #10 0x000077ca78db439d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                #11 0x000077ca78e3949c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                Stack trace of thread 441254:
                #0  0x000077ca78e90485 n/a ( + 0x170485)
                #1  0x000077ca63a48294 n/a ( + 0x248294)
                #2  0x000077ca63a4822e n/a ( + 0x24822e)
                #3  0x000077ca6396be7b n/a ( + 0x16be7b)
                #4  0x000077ca63a47928 n/a ( + 0x247928)
                #5  0x000077ca63a4724b n/a ( + 0x24724b)
                #6  0x000077ca63a45f64 n/a ( + 0x245f64)
                #7  0x000077ca63a3e6ee n/a ( + 0x23e6ee)
                #8  0x000077ca63a3def3 Py_InitializeFromConfig ( + 0x23def3)
                #9  0x000077ca70479e42 n/a ( + 0x3ce42)
                #10 0x000077ca7044c143 qt_plugin_instance ( + 0xf143)
                #11 0x000077ca777be8a3 n/a ( + 0x3be8a3)
                #12 0x000077ca79401e29 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x89e29)
                #13 0x000077ca794214e7 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xa94e7)
                #14 0x000077ca79428072 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xb0072)
                #15 0x000077ca7942f108 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xb7108)
                #16 0x000077ca79438627 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc0627)
                #17 0x000077ca79438a64 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc0a64)
                #18 0x000077ca7943866c n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xc066c)
                #19 0x000077ca79437fb1 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xbffb1)
                #20 0x000077ca7943760f n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xbf60f)
                #21 0x000077ca775b2229 n/a ( + 0x1b2229)
                #22 0x000077ca793d2710 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x5a710)
                #23 0x000077ca7941e2ba n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0xa62ba)
                #24 0x000077ca793d9273 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x61273)
                #25 0x000077ca793dc8f6 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x648f6)
                #26 0x000077ca793df098 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/lib/ + 0x67098)
                #27 0x000059c4de38d159 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert + 0x1159)
                #28 0x000077ca78d45e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                #29 0x000077ca78d45ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                #30 0x000059c4de38d065 n/a (/home/eli/Source/albert/build/bin/albert + 0x1065)
                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
$ dmesg
[32329.274903] Thread (pooled)[442320]: segfault at 0 ip 00007abcad309924 sp 00007abca3ffe440 error 4 in[7abcad28e000+3b4000] likely on CPU 15 (core 3, socket 0)
[32329.274917] Code: be c0 f8 ff f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 c3 e9 d2 c0 f8 ff 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 ec 38 01 00 00 <48> 83 3f 00 64 48 8b 1c 25 28 00 00 00 48 89 5d c8 48 89 fb 0f 84
ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

i can confirm that while (! segfaults with 6.8 but not with 6.5 on macOS.

Qt docs on next()

If hasNext() returns false, this function does nothing, and returns an empty QString.


      while (fIt.hasNext())
            DEBG <<;

works on both.

i force pushed. Have you really pulled

eliliam commented 1 week ago

I actually cloned the entire albert repo fresh, then checked out the latest main in the ./plugins directory before building as per the install from source instructions on the site. Here's a screenshot showing I have the correct commit checked out in the plugins directory too. Anything else I can check to confirm the code changes are there?


ManuelSchneid3r commented 1 week ago

I have to give up for today. it 2 am here.

Anything else I can check to confirm the code changes are there?

yes. build with debug symbols to get a meaningful backtrace and or run a debug session to confirm my assumption that the segfault happens here.

eliliam commented 1 week ago

I'm honestly not familiar with the toolchain used by Albert, if you post the instructions I'd be happy to run them though

alexchistyakov commented 1 week ago

yes. build with debug symbols to get a meaningful backtrace and or run a debug session to confirm my assumption that the segfault happens here.

I used the gdb command to get a stack trace. I'm also experiencing the same issue on Arch btw. Here you go, lmk if this helps or you need more:

        d = Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'>: Cannot access memory at address 0x8
#1  0x00007ffff7f256de in ??? () at /usr/lib/
#2  0x00007ffff7f25c22 in ??? () at /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007ffff7f61bc7 in ??? () at /usr/lib/
#4  0x00007fffe7e4ba00 in ??? () at /usr/lib/albert/
#5  0x00007ffff63b2229 in QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase::call (this=0x555555842a00, r=0x55555584b0e0, a=0x7fffffffd3f0, this=<optimized out>, r=<optimized out>, a=<optimized out>)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qobjectdefs_impl.h:486
#6  doActivate<false> (sender=<optimized out>, signal_index=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp:4120
        obj = {m_slotObject = std::unique_ptr<QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase> = {get() = 0x555555842a00}}
        receiver = 0x55555584b0e0
        td = <optimized out>
        receiverInSameThread = <optimized out>
        senderData = {previous = 0x0, receiver = 0x55555584b0e0, sender = 0x55555584b0e0, signal = 10}
        c = 0x555555842a30
        connections = {d = <optimized out>}
        list = <optimized out>
        inSenderThread = <optimized out>
        highestConnectionId = <optimized out>
        signalVector = 0x55555598c8b0
        currentThreadId = <optimized out>
        sp = <optimized out>
        signal_spy_set = 0x0
        empty_argv = {0x0}
        senderDeleted = false
#7  0x00007ffff76044ad in QAbstractItemView::activated (this=<optimized out>, _t1=<optimized out>)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemview.cpp:694
        _a = {0x0, 0x7fffffffd420}
#8  0x00007fffe7e431dc in ??? () at /usr/lib/albert/
#9  0x00007ffff6355508 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendThroughObjectEventFilters (receiver=receiver@entry=0x555555728d60, event=event@entry=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1304
        obj = <optimized out>
        i = 1
#10 0x00007ffff72fe30a in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=this@entry=0x5555555a0e70, receiver=receiver@entry=0x555555728d60, e=e@entry=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp:3288
        consumed = false
        filtered = false
#11 0x00007ffff7302ba2 in QApplication::notify (this=<optimized out>, receiver=<optimized out>, e=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp:2713
        key = 0x7fffffffd960
        def = true
        pr = {wp = {d = 0x555555872380, value = 0x555555728d60}}
        w = 0x555555728d60
        d = <optimized out>
        isWindowType = <optimized out>
        isWidgetType = <optimized out>
        res = false
#12 0x00007ffff63585a8 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 (receiver=0x555555728d60, event=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1165
        selfRequired = <optimized out>
        result = false
        cbdata = {0x555555728d60, 0x7fffffffd960, 0x7fffffffd6c7}
        d = <optimized out>
        threadData = <optimized out>
        scopeLevelCounter = {threadData = 0x555555561ba0}
#13 0x00007ffff63585da in QCoreApplication::forwardEvent (receiver=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>, originatingEvent=<optimized out>)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1180
#14 0x00007ffff736a446 in QWidgetWindow::handleGestureEvent (this=<optimized out>, e=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qwidgetwindow.cpp:1118
        receiver = <optimized out>
        receiver = <optimized out>
        popup = <optimized out>
        popupFocusWidget = <optimized out>
#15 QWidgetWindow::event (this=0x5555557dc970, event=0x7fffffffd960) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qwidgetwindow.cpp:369
#16 0x00007ffff72fe31a in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=<optimized out>, receiver=0x5555557dc970, e=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp:3294
        consumed = false
        filtered = false
#17 0x00007ffff63585a8 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 (receiver=0x5555557dc970, event=0x7fffffffd960)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1165
        selfRequired = <optimized out>
        result = false
        cbdata = {0x5555557dc970, 0x7fffffffd960, 0x7fffffffd8c7}
        d = <optimized out>
        threadData = <optimized out>
        scopeLevelCounter = {threadData = 0x555555561ba0}
#18 0x00007ffff63585fd in QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent (receiver=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>)
    at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1623
#19 0x00007ffff698736c in QGuiApplicationPrivate::processKeyEvent (e=0x555555893120) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp:2600
        window = 0x5555557dc970
        ev = {<QInputEvent> = {<QEvent> = {_vptr.QEvent = 0x7ffff7099d70 <vtable for QKeyEvent+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7ffff66a4fc0 <(anonymous namespace)::qt_meta_stringdata_CLASSQEventENDCLASS>, data = 0x7ffff66a49e0 <qt_meta_data_CLASSQEventENDCLASS>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, metaTypes = 0x7ffff67e4cb0 <qt_incomplete_metaTypeArray<(anonymous namespace)::qt_meta_stringdata_CLASSQEventENDCLASS_t, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<QEvent::Type, std::integral_constant<bool, true> >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<QEvent, std::integral_constant<bool, true> > >>, extradata = 0x0}}, t = 6, m_posted = false, m_spont = true, m_accept = true, m_unused = false, m_reserved = 0, m_inputEvent = 1, m_pointerEvent = 0, m_singlePointEvent = 0}, m_dev = 0x55555588fe40, m_timeStamp = 494414, m_modState = {i = 0}, m_reserved = 0}, m_text = {d = {d = 0x5555558bd060, ptr = 0x5555558bd070 u"\r", size = 1}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_key = 16777220, m_scanCode = 36, m_virtualKey = 65293, m_nativeModifiers = 0, m_count = 1, m_autoRepeat = 0}
        activePopup = <optimized out>
#20 0x00007ffff6a01284 in QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents (flags=...) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp:1114
        event = 0x555555893120
        nevents = 1
#21 0x00007ffff6e4da14 in userEventSourceDispatch (source=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/qt6-base/qtbase/src/gui/platform/unix/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:38
        userEventSource = <optimized out>
        dispatcher = <optimized out>
#22 0x00007ffff570d559 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x7fffe8000f30) at ../glib/glib/gmain.c:3357
        dispatch = 0x7ffff6e4da00 <userEventSourceDispatch(GSource*, GSourceFunc, gpointer)>
        prev_source = 0x0
        begin_time_nsec = 494415218423
        was_in_call = 0
        user_data = 0x0
        callback = 0x0
        cb_funcs = 0x0
        cb_data = 0x0
        need_destroy = <optimized out>```
ManuelSchneid3r commented 6 days ago

@alexchistyakov can you please repeat that with a debug build? There are no debug symbols displayed

stevenxxiu commented 6 days ago

Thanks. Can confirm the patch works here on Arch Linux.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 6 days ago

@eliliam are you sure that the plugin you built is loaded? In a dev setup you have to pass the plugins output dir using -p otherwise the system packages are used

N00byKing commented 6 days ago

It does work, at least it did for me as well. I also know for a fact that the issue you mentioned is not a problem; I just modified the pkgbuild to pull in the main branch + the newest plugin submodule, so my system packages are the newly built ones.

This is just a hack, but maybe it'll help others:

# Maintainer: Evgenii Alekseev
# Contributor: Felix Yan <>
# Contributor: Manuel Schneider  <manuelschneid3r at googles mail>

pkgdesc="A sophisticated standalone keyboard launcher"
depends=('hicolor-icon-theme' 'qt6-5compat' 'qt6-declarative' 'qt6-scxml' 'qt6-shadertools' 'qt6-svg')
makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'libqalculate' 'pybind11' 'python' 'qt6-tools')
optdepends=('libarchive: documentation plugin'
            'libqalculate: calculator plugin'
            'python: python extension')

prepare() {
  cd albert
  git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update --init --recursive
  cd plugins && git checkout main && cd ..

build() {
  mkdir -p build
  cd build

  cmake ../$pkgname \


package() {
  cd build

  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname/" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"


Also, @ManuelSchneid3r thanks for maintaining this! I've been using albert for years now, and it works and looks great :)

ManuelSchneid3r commented 6 days ago

I also know for a fact that the issue you mentioned is not a problem;

Which issue and who mentioned it?

piyueh commented 6 days ago

... the newest plugin submodule ...

I can confirm once the plugins submodule is also at the latest commits, albert works fine. No segmentation fault anymore. I actually pull the latest commits for all submodules, but I think only plugins is required to be the latest.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 6 days ago


Terminalator commented 3 days ago

Just wanted to say thanks for fixing this so quickly. I was struggling with the failed build and found this thread after searching. Thanks to @N00byKing for posting the pkgbuild. It worked a treat for me (Arch). I was lost without Albert.