albertlauncher / albert

A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
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Segmentation Fault on a fresh install, kde wayland. #940

Closed DavidLapous closed 3 years ago

DavidLapous commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've just switched form gnome to kde, and I want to replace the buggy krunner. It's a fresh install of albert on arch kde wayland, and I have a segfault. I have tried to launch it on a Xorg session, and it works fine. Details are below. Thanks !


ArchLinux repos

Additional info

Albert report output `cat /etc/issue; uname -r; env | grep -e SESSION_TYPE -e DESKTOP; qmake-qt5 -v; albert -v ` ``` Arch Linux \r (\l) 5.9.6-zen1-1-zen DESKTOP_SESSION=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=KDE XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland QMake version 3.1 Using Qt version 5.15.1 in /usr/lib albert 0.16.1 ```
QtDiag output ``` qtdiag QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment. QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment. QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment. QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment. QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete, missing attachment. Qt 5.15.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0) on "wayland" OS: Arch Linux [linux version 5.9.6-zen1-1-zen] Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 Environment: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR="0" QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI="96" Features: QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS Library info: PrefixPath: /usr DocumentationPath: /usr/share/doc/qt HeadersPath: /usr/include/qt LibrariesPath: /usr/lib LibraryExecutablesPath: /usr/lib/qt/libexec BinariesPath: /usr/bin PluginsPath: /usr/lib/qt/plugins ImportsPath: /usr/lib/qt/imports Qml2ImportsPath: /usr/lib/qt/qml ArchDataPath: /usr/lib/qt DataPath: /usr/share/qt TranslationsPath: /usr/share/qt/translations ExamplesPath: /usr/share/doc/qt/examples TestsPath: /usr/tests SettingsPath: /etc/xdg Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]: DesktopLocation: "Bureau" */home/dadou/Bureau* DocumentsLocation: "Documents" */home/dadou/Documents* FontsLocation: "Polices" */home/dadou/.local/share/fonts* /home/dadou/.fonts /home/dadou/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */home/dadou/.local/share/applications* /home/dadou/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications /usr/local/share/applications /usr/share/applications MusicLocation: "Musique" */home/dadou/Musique* MoviesLocation: "Films" */home/dadou/Vidéos* PicturesLocation: "Images" */home/dadou/Images* TempLocation: "Dossier temporaire" */tmp* HomeLocation: "Début" */home/dadou* AppLocalDataLocation: "Données d'applications" */home/dadou/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/dadou/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag CacheLocation: "Cache" */home/dadou/.cache/QtProject/qtdiag* GenericDataLocation: "Données partagées" */home/dadou/.local/share* /home/dadou/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share /usr/local/share /usr/share RuntimeLocation: "Exécution" */run/user/1000* ConfigLocation: "Configuration" */home/dadou/.config* /etc/xdg DownloadLocation: "Téléchargement" */home/dadou/Téléchargements* GenericCacheLocation: "Cache partagé" */home/dadou/.cache* GenericConfigLocation: "Configuration partagée" */home/dadou/.config* /etc/xdg AppDataLocation: "Données d'applications" */home/dadou/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/dadou/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag AppConfigLocation: "Configuration de l'application" */home/dadou/.config/QtProject/qtdiag* /etc/xdg/QtProject/qtdiag File selectors (increasing order of precedence): fr_FR unix linux arch Network: Using "OpenSSL 1.1.1h 22 Sep 2020", version: 0x1010108f Platform capabilities: ThreadedPixmaps OpenGL ThreadedOpenGL BufferQueueingOpenGL MultipleWindows NonFullScreenWindows NativeWidgets WindowManagement RasterGLSurface Style hints: mouseDoubleClickInterval: 400 mousePressAndHoldInterval: 800 startDragDistance: 10 startDragTime: 500 startDragVelocity: 0 keyboardInputInterval: 400 keyboardAutoRepeatRate: 30 cursorFlashTime: 1000 showIsFullScreen: 0 showIsMaximized: 0 passwordMaskDelay: 0 passwordMaskCharacter: U+25CF fontSmoothingGamma: 1.7 useRtlExtensions: 0 setFocusOnTouchRelease: 0 tabFocusBehavior: Qt::TabFocusAllControls singleClickActivation: 1 Additional style hints (QPlatformIntegration): ReplayMousePressOutsidePopup: 1 Theme: Platforms requested : kde,generic available : kde,qgnomeplatform,gtk3,gnome,qt5ct,snap,flatpak,xdgdesktopportal Styles requested : Breeze,breeze,oxygen,fusion,windows available : Adwaita-Dark,Adwaita,Breeze,kvantum-dark,kvantum,qt5ct-style,Oxygen,Windows,Fusion Icon theme : Tela-dark, hicolor from /home/dadou/.local/share/icons,/usr/share/icons,/home/dadou/.icons System font : "Noto Sans" 10 Fonts: General font : "Noto Sans" 10 Fixed font : "Hack" 10 Title font : "Noto Sans" 10 Smallest font: "Noto Sans" 8 Palette: QPalette::WindowText: #ffeff0f1 QPalette::Button: #ff31363b QPalette::Light: #ff464d54 QPalette::Midlight: #ff3c4248 QPalette::Dark: #ff1d2023 QPalette::Mid: #ff2b3034 QPalette::Text: #ffeff0f1 QPalette::BrightText: #ffffffff QPalette::ButtonText: #ffeff0f1 QPalette::Base: #ff232629 QPalette::Window: #ff31363b QPalette::Shadow: #ff151719 QPalette::Highlight: #ff3daee9 QPalette::HighlightedText: #ffeff0f1 QPalette::Link: #ff2980b9 QPalette::LinkVisited: #ff7f8c8d QPalette::AlternateBase: #ff31363b QPalette::NoRole: #ff000000 QPalette::ToolTipBase: #ff31363b QPalette::ToolTipText: #ffeff0f1 QPalette::PlaceholderText: #80eff0f1 Screens: 1, High DPI scaling: inactive # 0 "eDP-1" Depth: 32 Primary: yes Manufacturer: DO NOT USE - AUO Model: eDP-1-inconnu Serial number: Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Available: 1920x1080+0+0 Physical size: 340x190 mm Refresh: 144.028 Hz Power state: 0 Physical DPI: 143.435,144.379 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1 Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0 LibGL Vendor: X.Org Renderer: AMD RENOIR (DRM 3.39.0, 5.9.6-zen1-1-zen, LLVM 11.0.0) Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 20.2.2 Shading language: 4.60 Format: Version: 4.6 Profile: 2 Swap behavior: 0 Buffer size (RGBA): 8,8,8,8 Profile: None (QOpenGLFunctions_4_6) Vulkan instance available Supported instance extensions: VK_KHR_device_group_creation, version 1 VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_get_display_properties2, version 1 VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, version 1 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2, version 1 VK_KHR_surface, version 25 VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_wayland_surface, version 6 VK_KHR_xcb_surface, version 6 VK_KHR_xlib_surface, version 6 VK_KHR_display, version 23 VK_EXT_direct_mode_display, version 1 VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display, version 1 VK_EXT_display_surface_counter, version 1 VK_EXT_debug_report, version 9 VK_EXT_debug_utils, version 2 Supported layers: VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay, version 1, spec version 1.2.135, Vulkan Hud Overlay VK_LAYER_TORKEL104_libstrangle, version 1, spec version 1.1.125, Libstrangle framerate limiter VK_LAYER_VKBASALT_post_processing, version 1, spec version 1.2.136, a post processing layer VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay, version 1, spec version 1.2.135, Vulkan Hud Overlay VK_LAYER_MESA_device_select, version 1, spec version 1.1.73, Linux device selection layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_32, version 1, spec version 1.2.136, Steam Pipeline Caching Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_32, version 1, spec version 1.2.136, Steam Overlay Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_64, version 1, spec version 1.2.136, Steam Overlay Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_64, version 1, spec version 1.2.136, Steam Pipeline Caching Layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_screenshot, version 1, spec version 1.2.154, LunarG image capture layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_device_simulation, version 1, spec version 1.2.154, LunarG device simulation layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump, version 2, spec version 1.2.154, LunarG API dump layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_monitor, version 1, spec version 1.2.154, Execution Monitoring Layer VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation, version 1, spec version 1.2.158, Khronos Validation Layer VK_LAYER_MESA_overlay, version 1, spec version 1.1.73, Mesa Overlay layer Available physical devices: API version 1.2.131, vendor 0x1002, device 0x1636, AMD RADV RENOIR (ACO), type 1, driver version 20.2.2 API version 1.2.131, vendor 0x1002, device 0x731F, AMD RADV NAVI10 (ACO), type 2, driver version 20.2.2 Qt Rendering Hardware Interface supported backends: OpenGL (with default QSurfaceFormat): Min Texture Size: 1 Max Texture Size: 16384 Max Color Attachments: 8 Frames in Flight: 1 Uniform Buffer Alignment: 1 Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,2,4,8 Features: - MultisampleTexture v MultisampleRenderBuffer - DebugMarkers - Timestamps v Instancing - CustomInstanceStepRate v PrimitiveRestart v NonDynamicUniformBuffers v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset v NPOTTextureRepeat - RedOrAlpha8IsRed v ElementIndexUint v Compute v WideLines v VertexShaderPointSize v BaseVertex - BaseInstance v TriangleFanTopology v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 ETC2_RGB8 ETC2_RGB8A1 ETC2_RGBA8 Vulkan: Min Texture Size: 1 Max Texture Size: 16384 Max Color Attachments: 8 Frames in Flight: 2 Uniform Buffer Alignment: 4 Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,2,4,8 Features: v MultisampleTexture v MultisampleRenderBuffer - DebugMarkers v Timestamps v Instancing - CustomInstanceStepRate v PrimitiveRestart v NonDynamicUniformBuffers v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset v NPOTTextureRepeat v RedOrAlpha8IsRed v ElementIndexUint v Compute v WideLines v VertexShaderPointSize v BaseVertex v BaseInstance v TriangleFanTopology v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6H BC7 ```
Terminal output (stdout and stderr) ``` albert 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Initializing application 11:04:50 [INFO:default] Systems icon theme is: "Tela-dark" 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Creating IPC server 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Initializing mandatory paths 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Setup signal handlers 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Creating running indicator file 11:04:50 [WARN:default] Application has not been terminated graciously. 11:04:50 [DEBG:default] Initializing core components [1] 20704 segmentation fault (core dumped) albert ```

Steps to reproduce

Launch Albert.

Expected behaviour

Albert launching.

Actual behaviour


ManuelSchneid3r commented 3 years ago

If you want a productive system use X11. Wayland is far from mature. There are lots of issues considering this already therefore I'll close this one. Currently I work on a mac port, so generally on platform independence. So with some luck 0.16.2 will rather be 0.17 and working on mac and hopefully on wayland too.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 3 years ago

Btw thank you for your elaborate issue, a rarity these days.

DavidLapous commented 3 years ago

I'll stick to gnome then, gnome wayland is mature and smoother with my hardware and usecase (even for gaming) (kde isn't). BTW, albert is working on gnome (wayland), but i don't need it with this DE. Thanks for the quick reply.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 3 years ago

but i don't need it


gnome wayland

it works under gnome wayland?

DavidLapous commented 3 years ago

Yes! no problem for me on gnome Wayland, I've not tested all the extensions but I expect them to work with no problem since launch apps, calculator,... Are working fine. Gnome search is indeed decent enough for me 🙂.

rahmanshaber commented 3 years ago

@ManuelSchneid3r this is what i wanted to say in #952 . As wayfire is fully Wayland that's why albert is crashing. Is there any timeline to support Wayland?

ManuelSchneid3r commented 3 years ago

Is there any timeline to support Wayland?

install libX11 and everything should be fine for now. "Supporting" wayland is toolkits responsibility. Still there are some deps, but I have other priorities atm. You could go ahead, debug and discuss here.

ManuelSchneid3r commented 3 years ago

Continue discussion at #958.